We're waiting to hear on what could be our first home! This is more stressful than waiting to POAS! I had no idea. I think I'm hypertensive, my eye has been pulsating, I have a headache, my jaw is so painful from clenching my teeth all day, this is taking a toll!

So to distract myself, I'm trying to figure out how to update the kitchen on a dime. It's an unusual shape, ugly 80s off white with wood casing & trim cabinets, crap countertops, and bright white stove & dishwasher (no fridge yet). I was thinking maybe paint the casing & trim on the cabinets to make them a solid color, but I have no idea what to do with the awful counter! I have no idea what color I'd do the walls yet either. How much does it cost to put in a backsplash? Just like a ballpark figure if you DIY, I have no clue! What kind of fridge? I think the white looks bad with the cabinetry, should be off white, or stainless, but I don't want to replace the dishwasher & stove right away since they are fine, so I guess white to match them even though I don't like it with the cabinets? What do you think? Help me design a kitchen while I wait!! Very open to any & all suggestions!