Hellobee Boards


Walking Dead fans (may contain spoilers)

  1. BelugaBean

    pomegranate / 3516 posts

    Because I'm pretty bad with suspense, I think I know who dies next week. I'm horrible with stuff like that though, I just need to know.

  2. cheert16

    nectarine / 2631 posts

    Ohh- so glad i found this! I cant wait for this weeks episode! I literally was screaming at the TV for Andrea to take the truck!!! Stupid Governer- just kept finding her- cant wait to find out what happens!

  3. th_momma

    coffee bean / 37 posts

    @greenebee: I think the episode with Morgan this season was the best of the entire series. So, so, so good!

  4. th_momma

    coffee bean / 37 posts

    I'm halfway through the second compendium of the graphic novels, and I agree that the show does a good job. I like that there is a lot that is the same but that the show also had a life of its own (I mean, there'd be no Daryl and how sad would that be?!).

    I think I know who will die next week, too, BUT last season I thought I had everything figured out and then they completely floored me with Dale's death. I did not see that coming at all.

  5. greenebee

    cherry / 189 posts

    @th_momma: SAME! I really didn't think that Dale would die so soon!

  6. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    I'm just happy that Glenn (Steven) is still around.

  7. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @mrsjyw: OMG! You met him! You lucky girl you! I love him!!!! He's one of my favourite characters!

  8. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @.twist.: hahah he's actually an old childhood friend. we went to high school together and our parents are friends. he's such a sweet guy. so down to earth. such a GOOD guy. am so happy to see him succeed!

    i usually see him around holiday time and will def see him at a wedding later this year.

    it's weird to watch the maggie/love scenes! *BLUSHES* hahaha

  9. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @mrsjyw: oh wow! So jealous! He's awesome. You tell him some weird girl from the internet says "HIII". hahaha

    HAHA I bet those scenes are a little strange to watch!!!

  10. cheert16

    nectarine / 2631 posts

    @mrsjyw: so coool!!!!

  11. BelugaBean

    pomegranate / 3516 posts

    @mrsjyw: I know you had mentioned it before but I still think it's so cool that you know him! Glenn is one of my two favorite characters!

  12. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @mrsjyw: he seems like such a nice guy when he's on Talking Dead. He was so embarrassed when Chris H was joking about how buff he's getting.

  13. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @dagret: I seriously need to start watching Talking Dead. I miss out on all the good stuff! hmph!

  14. th_momma

    coffee bean / 37 posts

    @mrsjyw: That's so cool! My SIL is friends with the guy who played Tomas, but knowing a main character definitely trumps that He does seem like such a nice person in interviews!

  15. SAHM0811

    grapefruit / 4049 posts

    @dagret: that was really cute! Chris H also gave him a little bit of a tough time when he thought he said "BALLS" but he said something else. I love Chris H. Total nerd and just on-point hilarious all the time!

  16. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @SAHM0811: exactly! I need to get back into The Nerdist.

  17. Springtime

    pomegranate / 3204 posts

    What did everyone think of last nights episode? I was shocked! I can't get the image of walker Merle out of my head!!

    I wonder what will happen on the finale, or who will die!

  18. BelugaBean

    pomegranate / 3516 posts

    @mrsaudi: I already knew that part of last night's episode but I'm not sure exactly what else happens so I'll step out of this and comment later after we watch it!

  19. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    @mrsaudi: it almost killed me seeing daryl cry.

  20. Springtime

    pomegranate / 3204 posts

    @anonysquire: I know, it was so sad!

  21. BelugaBean

    pomegranate / 3516 posts

    @anonysquire: That was super sad!

    I figured Michonne wouldn't be taken all the way to the Governor. On next week's episode it looks like they're going to try to leave but I assume it's too late. I still think Milton will die and now I'm starting to think it might be Maggie that dies because that would be devastating to Glenn, Hershel, and Beth. I'm also not so sure the baby is going to make it to next season.

    Although, on the subject of the baby, does anyone else watch the show and think that the baby is super quiet? She pretty much never cries which I find kind of hard to believe considering how they've seemed to be rationing out her bottles and she's in a prison with no air conditioning or heat. Also, I feel like they'd be starting to run out of formula by now.

  22. th_momma

    coffee bean / 37 posts

    @anonysquire: I never thought I'd care even a little bit about Merle, and I was shocked that he was able to redeem himself a tiny bit. Daryl killed me, though. So sad!

  23. BelugaBean

    pomegranate / 3516 posts

    @th_momma: I thought that about Merle too. I never thought I would care if he died and by the end of the episode, I cared a lot more than I thought I could.

  24. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    @mrsjyw: oh wow, you know Glen! He's my fav!

  25. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    Great episode last night. Totally knew merle was going to die! I didn't know how just had a feeling it would be him! He's such a douche! I also totally like that although Daryl cried a bit, he took out a LOT of pent up anger on his brother when he killed him!

    @BelugaBean: I've thought that about the baby too, although they haven't exactly spent a whole lot of time on anything to do with the baby so who knows... I will be very interested to see if the baby makes it through the next episode.

  26. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    They pointed it out on TTD after the episode aired, but total dick move by the Governor leaving Merle a zombie.

    Also, how do you fight a battle along people who turn into zombies after they die? I would think that's a Woodbury disadvantage. Shane - amd Miltons experent dude both turned pretty quickly...

  27. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @dagret: I guess you have to make sure to shoot them in the head?? I feel like the governor is really just a terrible human. They also didn't show ANYTHING about andrea this episode! I just realized that!

    Also, does anyone else think it's weird that when the characters of the show get in a vehicle near zombies they NEVER run them over? I can tell you, if I got in a vehicle and there were zombies in front of me, I would NOT be driving around them! hahaha I would drive over those zombies like nobodies business!

  28. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    I just love Daryl and it was really hard to see him cry! I was really happy that he was in the episode so much though, after last week's when he didn't even make an appearance. I told DH I will stop watching the show if they ever kill off Daryl.

  29. th_momma

    coffee bean / 37 posts

    Well, what did y'all think?

  30. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @th_momma: I was kind of disappointed. I thought it was slow moving. I'm not going to lie though, I was kind of happy to see Andrea die!

  31. th_momma

    coffee bean / 37 posts

    @rahlyrah: I was disappointed too. I kept saying "there are only ___ minutes left. What's going to happen?!" and then it just ended.

    I was also glad to see Andrea die!

  32. matador84

    papaya / 10560 posts

    Ugh I was so disappointed! Andrea really is so annoying but I was kind of glad to see her go the way she did. The governor is sooooo crazy I was shocked he killed all those people and I can't wait until he dies off! Disappointed it didn't happen in this season though!

  33. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    I can't believe Andrea was taking her sweet time with the pliers, chatting with Milton like he wasn't about to die and turn into a zombie any minute...

    How about Carl's craziness this week?

    And I seriously can't believe those guys got into the truck with the Governor.

  34. matador84

    papaya / 10560 posts

    Ditto on Carl's craziness! I missed part of it-did he shoot and kill that guy or just shoot and wound him? I think the zombie apocalypse is getting to Carl!

    And was michon crying when Andrea was dying!?!

  35. th_momma

    coffee bean / 37 posts


  36. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @mrsjyw: I have such a crush on Glenn!

  37. BelugaBean

    pomegranate / 3516 posts

    @dagret: Yeah, I was wondering why Andrea couldn't get the pliers and talk at the same time. I mean, really, you know you only have so much time! And I couldn't believe they got in the truck either. I was yelling at the TV for them to shoot him!

    And Carl is crazy. It's hard because I kind of see why he did it but at the same time, it's like he's lost his mind. And he was mad that they brought back the people from Woodbury but I think it was the right thing to do plus the people they brought back aren't really threatening.

    I found Andrea's death to be much sadder than I thought it would be. Some things I read said that it's a completion of her story. She thought about killing herself in the first season and in the second season she was pretty much left for dead but saved. This time she was left for dead, not saved, and killed herself.

    Overall I thought it was a good episode but I didn't like it as a season finale. I expected more to happen and it didn't leave me with that feeling of wanting to know what happens next like most good season finales do.

  38. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    I would agree that the finale was a little anti-climatic. I thought it was a great episode, but not for a finale. I expect much more from the end of a series. I'm still totally interested to see what happens next, but I was definitely a little disappointed!

    I was torn on Andrea's death. Part of me was like "YES! FINALLY!" and the other part was like "aw". Although I have to agree that I was totally sitting there being like "Why aren't you talking AND getting the pliers!? You stupid girl!"

  39. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    I really liked the anti-climatic ending. It was different and refreshing to have it not end on a huge "omg what happened!?" moment.

    I'm glad they wrapped up Andrea's story line and I think she redeemed herself. I was also annoyed by the dramatic pauses, lol.

    I'm super interested in Carl next season, seeing how he is turning into a "little governor". I think Rick is going to have his hands full, trying to get his kid back.

  40. greenebee

    cherry / 189 posts

    @mrsjyw: Oh my gosh! So cool!

    @anonysquire: Me too! I did cry in response immediately to Darryl crying. He is my favorite!

    @rahlyrah: @th_momma: @matador84: I too was a little glad to see Andrea die. Her character, for me, was always a little too on the annoying side. Although it was an interesting journey-end to have her actually commit suicide. And Michonne crying was sad!

    I was both simultaneously satisfied and dissatisfied with the finale. Of course I am DYING waiting for next season already. I find myself wondering what's going to happen to the group having been so insular to taking in all of the Woodbury folks.

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: Interesting! I never thought of Carl being a "little govenor!" Also THE Govenor not being killed is going to be bad next season. He'll be back I am sure.

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