We're apartment dwellers, and are just finishing up our nursery. According to our complex manager, we are "free" to paint the walls, with the understanding that we will absolutely return them to their original state, prior to vacating. We only plan to be in this unit for another six months before we upgrade to a larger place, and don't really feel like painting and repainting in such a short time frame.

We have a few canvases, and a wooden letter to mount above her crib, as well as a rustic, framed chalkboard. However, we're kinda running out of ideas of how to spice up her walls. The room is fairly large, so there's a lot of space left over.

We're working with a small decor budget, and would like to keep things cheap. I'll be going on maternity leave in a few days, so DIY is okay. Her nursery theme is forest/meadow. Any cool ideas? Pictures welcomed!