I'm looking to add to my stash..so help enable me. Haha! I'm suffering from a bout of indecision. LO is 3 months old and we're in a climate with hot summers (upper 70s-90+). I haven't yet been reaching for the woven wrap we have, so I can't justify buying a Gira SFD size 6 if I'll barely use it. So, of the ring slings below, which would you suggest?

Zanytoes WCRS Girasol Snow Flame Diamonds - $98 after coupon http://zanytoes.net/item_45/Girasol.htm
SBP Linen RS in either Emerald Green or Royal Purple - $70 w/ pocket http://www.sleepingbaby.net/proddetail.php?prod=nlinen
SBP Twill RS in Sangria - $54 w/ pocket http://www.sleepingbaby.net/proddetail.php?prod=french

I could be good and get nothing…or be smart and go with one of the cheaper ones. I'm a very frugal person. But Snow Flame is so pretty, and my birthday is coming up, so I could justify any of these. LOL.