DH and I have been trying for over a year now with no luck. We have been referred to a RE but put off going due to the financial costs with no insurance coverage. We said we would save for a little while and then go in and get some more testing done. Well this weekend after AF showed up we had a long heart to heart and I confessed that I really didn't want to get the testing done.
I didn't go into this discussion with this in mind, I only wanted DH to understand the pain and frustration that was coming from trying naturally and letting him know that I really wanted a plan in place. I have been getting really depressed with not knowing when we would move forward and actually get some momentum towards having a baby. We talked over all our options, perusing testing, keeping at it naturally, adoption, and not having kids at all. Each avenue presented its own obstacles and positives, but we finally reached an agreement and we will be continuing to try on our own through the end of the year but then we will begin our adoption journey.
I can't tell you how happy I am, I have always wanted to adopt, even when I was a kid. We are going to research over the next few months while continuing to try and hopefully by January we can get our application started. I'm just so thrilled and had to share with someone!