At 10 months, Baby X has really taken off on real food and he's dropping nursing sessions fast-- he's dropped from 8 to 4 in the last 3 weeks. He's offered the boob no more than an hour before he gets food, but still, he's just not as interested these days. My goal was to nurse him for a year-18 months, but I'm not sure we'll get there. We've been through 3 or 4 nursing strikes, but this is different-- I think he really is weaning himself. And my supply is dropping, too.
So I'm wondering--if it turns out that he's weaning, fine, but I'd hate to get through the next week and find that he wants to nurse more sometime in the next 2 months and find that I've got nothing to give him. So if your baby started weaning close to a year, were you able to keep your supply up, or boost it if it started to dip? Or did you just let your baby wean?