Hellobee Boards


Were you breastfed or formula fed?

  1. ALittleP

    kiwi / 575 posts

    I was adopted too at 6 weeks so I was formula fed.

  2. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    I was formula fed.

  3. Becksabee

    cherry / 235 posts

    I was formula fed. My mom wanted to breastfeed, but she had to go on blood pressure medication after I was born and it wasn't compatible with breastfeeding.

  4. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    I was the only one of the 4 kids in my family who was breastfed. My mom wanted to try it but after 3 months she stopped because she was just so uncomfortable exposing herself, which I think will be a problem for me too.

  5. owlmom

    clementine / 958 posts

    I was formula fed. My mom had a hard time breastfeeding, and she didn't have access to the kind of support that we do now (lactation consultants, electric pumps, etc). If I hadn't been able to pump and work with a lactation consultant when my LO was born, I wouldn't still be breastfeeding either.

  6. Clementine

    persimmon / 1329 posts

    breastfeed but not sure for how long!

  7. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    I was breastfed.
    However, my father was formula fed because that was the big thing back then--and he turned out to be a genius (no really, he won one of those genius awards).

    So... I guess both work just fine. But I'm still going to try to breastfeed!

  8. sslm

    cantaloupe / 6397 posts

    Breastfeeding didn't work out for my mom with my older sister, so she didn't even attempt it with me. It was for the best, she has some anxiety issues and I think formula feeding helped her not stress out, and therefore be a better mom!

  9. redboots

    cherry / 116 posts

    I was breastfed until I was 4...years old...not months. That's right, I came home from school laid down in my moms lap and continued to drink. My whole entire family was traumatized by this and my mom did not want to go through this with my younger brother and sister, so they were formula fed. It was a running joke at our wedding. my sister did not Breastfeed for fear of this happening to her with her lo's.

  10. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    I was breastfed.

  11. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    I was breastfed (so were my 3 siblings) and so was DH and his siblings.

  12. Boogs

    hostess / papaya / 10540 posts

    My DH and I were breastfed for about 2 months. Our moms said it's because their milk dried up.

  13. chicagowife

    olive / 63 posts

    I was breastfed, but I formula feed my daughter. I just didn't want to breastfeed. I have some issues about my boobs, and I got fairly depressed when she was born, and it was just not the right thing for me to do. As an illustration of how random things are, I was a fairly sickly baby (started losing weight as a one year old), and my daughter is super healthy!

  14. sulli301

    pear / 1764 posts

    My mom breastfed me & I am completely amazed because she did it without a pump! She just used hand compression to fill bottles the night before daycare after she went back to work. It makes me really appreciate my PISA!


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