I have a very unique situation. DH works offshore, and is gone for 3 weeks at a time. Long story short, I am due on Dec. 7th (Friday), and he is scheduled to leave for 3 weeks on Dec. 12th (Wednesday). Due to the level of his job (he is second in command to the Captain), there are not very many people for him to "swap" with in order to be home longer, so we are planning on the worst-case-scenario that he will have to leave us on Dec. 12th.

I discussed this with my OB, along with the fact that our entire family has to book flights, as we are the only ones that live in FL, and obviously they want to get here when the baby is already born, or in the case of my mom and sister, to be here for the delivery. All of these scheduling nightmares were brought to my OB's attention, and she said that in certain cases, she's okay with induction before the due date, and she understands that I'm a Hot Mess Case and so she agreed to induce me as early as Mon Dec 4th. The latest will be on Thurs Dec 6th (they don't induce on Fridays). I'm hoping for earlier so DH can be with us as long as possible!

She did tell me that induction carries a higher chance of ending up in C-section. I'm cool with that. But I don't understand how that increases the chance... Does it mean you don't respond, like dilation, and so eventually they just call it a day and do a C-section? Is this a nice way of saying that I'm probably scheduling a C-section?

Just to note, one of the reasons I don't mind a C-section is that I get 8 weeks paid maternity for a C section and 6 weeks with vaginal. Yeah, you can cut me for 2 extra paid weeks.