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Were your parents in the room when you gave birth?

  1. sapphire

    nectarine / 2173 posts

    In addition to DH, my mom and MIL were there. I can't imagine it differently. I really needed them.

  2. MrsKoala

    cantaloupe / 6869 posts

    Nope. Just my DH, midwife and a nurse. That's it.

  3. Rocker2014

    persimmon / 1367 posts

    Nope. And we were all good with that decision!

  4. mrsrugbee

    apricot / 347 posts

    I told my mom outright that she wouldn't be notified until after baby was here. She had vowed to show up at the birthing centre (why?!) and I knew it would affect my progress with of all her unsolicited advice and judging.

  5. Woolly Mammoth

    kiwi / 524 posts

    I was totally open to my mom being there, but she didn't seem particularly interested. As it turns out, I had an "emergency" c-section in the middle of the night and we didn't even call my parents until 8 am or so.

    I was definitely naked a lot of the time, so I wouldn't have wanted my dad there, but my mom would have been fine. I know that sometimes moms have a hard time watching their daughters experience pain, so I guess that could be an issue if you're planning to go med-free.

  6. cat620

    pear / 1809 posts

    No - the only people I wanted in the delivery room was DH and my doula. I was in a ton of pain, basically naked and not looking my best, so I had no interest in having an audience.

  7. Finfan

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    It was just DH, me, a nurse, a doctor and a med student. Honestly neither of my parents would have wanted to be there and I didn't invite my in-laws.

    I'm actually glad the med student was there because she asked some really good questions and it was interesting to hear the answers. It was a pretty textbook vaginal labor so hopefully she got something educational out of it!

  8. Mrs. Peanut

    apricot / 347 posts

    We don't have LOs yet, but DH and I discussed this and agreed a long time ago that nobody but us and medical professionals necessary will be in the room. No parents of any kind. I feel (in my non-experience ) that having a child would be a very intimate experience for DH and I. Not something I would want the world to see because it would be so special to us. That and there is NO way I would want any of my family members to be looking at my who-ha!

  9. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    Absolutely under no circumstances anyone but dh. Mil asked to be there and I shot that down faster then she would have ever imagined. My mom and I are super close but there's no way either of us wanted her to be there. I'm firmly in the boat that childbirth is for mom and dad only. ( for me, not for others, no judging other people's opinions!)

  10. alphagam84

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    We are only planning to have DH in the room with me. We don't want anyone in the waiting room either. I want time for us to bond with the baby, clean up, and take a nap before we have any visitors. I am ok being totally selfish about it in this instance. That means people may not see the baby 'til the next day if it comes later in the afternoon and everyone will survive waiting

  11. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    Yes, my mom and dad were in the room (up by my head sitting on the chair)

  12. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    Nope, definitely not. I feel like a lot of stuff that goes on is private. And I didn't really want my dad there when were discussing the state of my cervix. I also did not do well with having people around when I was in pain. The nurse kept coming in our room every 5 minutes and was all up in my face at one point and I just wanted her to get the hell out. I basically felt like as long as other people were around I had to keep myself together and all I wanted to do was fall apart.

  13. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    So - I think its important to separate the two events. Laboring and Delivery.

    I had zero interest in anyone being in the room when I delivered DD - and told everyone that was what I wanted. To be honest - I dont know that anyone wanted to be there anyways.

    As for laboring - this is a bit different for me. I always thought I may want my Mom in the room. My other local sister did not want anyone at the hospital and so I think I was her only child she may have a chance to be a part of it. Plus - my mom has such a calming presence. Not to mention - she's been there. I was admitted at 5am, had morphine and rested until 6:30 or so. I got my epi at 6cm around 7/730am. My mom and Grandma came to the hospital around 8/9am and hung out with me. It was great - just like a lunch or something hanging out and chatting to pass time. They left any time I got checked or had any "procedure" done. My dad showed up around 11:30am (I did not expect this) and was surprisingly comfortable with him being there. At 12:50 I knew it was coming to be that time - they left to have lunch. DD was out at 1:20...I'd say we were in the recovery room by 2:30 and they got to meet DD.

    DH's parents are not the type of people who would be comfortable being in the room so it was never up for discussion.

    I think having some other people around to help through the laboring part is not a bad idea. However, no way no how to the delivery part!

  14. whenoceansrise

    nectarine / 2053 posts

    My mom asked and I said no, but then changed my mind last minute and wanted her there.

  15. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    Nope. It was just DH and my photographer when I delivered. I wanted it that way, and loved it.

    My parents, brother, and MIL did visit me earlier in the day while I was in labor, but we sent them home to wait because I didn't want them there. DH texted my dad when I was 10cm to come back to the hospital.

  16. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    Just DH was with me but our families live thousands of miles away and LO came 6 weeks early. I don't think I would have had anyone in there even if they were in the state.

  17. cranberry

    apricot / 305 posts

    I had my DH, sister, mom, and dad in the room. When they sent me to the hospital to have LO at 38 weeks, I hadn't really thought about who was going to be in the room yet and I hadn't discussed it with my parents at that point either. But my mom, and surprisingly even my dad, seemed like they wanted to be there when I told them I was going to the hospital, so I just let them. I didn't care too much at that point. I drew the line when my DH's grandparents showed up though, lol.

  18. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    Heck to the no.

  19. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    I originally said it was fine for my mom to be in the room while I was laboring but not for the delivery. I was induced and labored for about 26 hours. It was nice to have the extra company and help. My delivery was super quick, only pushed for 8 minutes and didn't have time to kick her out. She was really respectful to give DH and I space so in the end it was fine and no regrets.

  20. ElbieKay

    pomegranate / 3231 posts

    It was my OB, the nurse, our doula, my husband, and me. (And the baby!) I explicitly told everyone they they could not come to the hospital until (1) delivery (2) skin-on-skin (3) family nap. I did not want the pressure of people waiting around because I knew it would make me feel rushed for (2) and (3).

    I have zero regrets about this and am very glad I was proactively selfish.

  21. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts


  22. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    Love them but NO. They waited about two hours after birth to come and visit.

  23. MoonMoon

    pomegranate / 3393 posts

    Oh hell no! I honestly don't think I'd be comfortable enough to labor if anyone other than DH, the doulas, or medical professionals had been around, or if I felt that people were expectantly waiting in the next room. My mom went back to our house long before active labor started. I told DH not to even text his parents until after the baby had been born (and they live 1000 miles away anyway). I agree with pp who said that time is really private, including the initial hours of bonding with baby.

  24. sometimesshesings

    apricot / 358 posts

    Another 'hell no' here! My mom was upset about it, but she would have driven me totally nuts. I actually would have been fine with my MIL, but I couldn't very well allow her and not my own mom to be there. We had a doula, and she was worth her weight in gold. My mom had trouble understanding why we'd want a stranger in the room over her. *sigh*

  25. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    Both MIL and my mom were in the room while I labored. I originally just wanted DH there but somehow when we called to tell them I was in labor they both showed up at the hospital. It was fine, and it was nice to have them there to keep us company. However, I was very adamant that it was just DH during pushing and delivery so they got kicked out then.

  26. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    My mom was there during labor w ds1, when pushing time came she left the room (as I wanted)

  27. Greentea

    pomelo / 5678 posts

    O h hell no. My dad wanted to be there for the labor but I didn't tell anyone when I went in!

  28. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    No, just Dh and I during pushing/delivery which is how I wanted it. It was a really special moment for the 2 of us as a new family.

    My parents and ILs visited during labor, which was nice because it gave me something to focus on and broke up the monotony of contractions, but when shit got real everyone went to the waiting room

  29. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    Just DH for me too.

    My parents live out of town but I wasn't even texting them (DH did when we got to the hospital and then again when baby was born, and then I took over after that.) mil was going to come but we told her don't bother, it was late and even though I was 8cm when I got there we figured after a couple days it'd be awhile, and lo was born the next morning. This time mil will have dd and my parents will come a few weeks after so it's looking to be DH and me alone again, which I was happy with the first time around. I did feel less pressure.

  30. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    Nope, both live on the east coast. But if they were closer, I'm not sure if I would.

  31. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    No. Very early on I knew I didn't want my mom there. She would have gotten on my nerves. I ended up with c sections anyway. With my 1st, it was my DH and my sister. With my 2nd, just DH. I told my niece she could be there next time. She says she wants to be a surgeon. I figure she could check it out and see if it is really something that interests her.

  32. wonderstruck

    pomegranate / 3791 posts

    Keep in mind that stress slows down labor, so your comfort level should absolutely take priority over who wants to be in the room.

    I didn't want anyone in there initially, but I told people they could be in the waiting room if they wanted and that we would call them once we were admitted, although obviously it would likely be a super long wait. Our families handled this very differently.

    My parents are pretty respectful and totally understood me only wanting my DH in the room. They said they would be there as soon as I wanted, not before, and would stay out of our way and the room unless I wanted or needed them. And they were great and totally true to their word - we called them once we were admitted. During the worst of labor I really wanted my mom and she came in. Eventually I decided I wanted an epidural, which only DH could be in the room for, and afterwards I just wanted to rest, so she went back to the waiting room to give us some space. I ended up needing an emergency c-section and she had to come give me a pep talk since she had experienced the same thing during her labor, understood my terror, and because I was having a meltdown and trying to refuse the c-section. They were at the hospital all night - I was admitted at 9pm, had my c-section at 7am, and they met my son in the recovery room around 9am.

    My ILs always think they know best and are pretty pushy (although I didn't realize how bad it was until after we had kids) and my MIL had been in the room for my SIL's labor and had tons to say about how she thought things should go. I absolutely did not want her in the room, which she was thankfully okay with. They knew when we went to the hospital because they were watching our dog, but we said many many times for them to not come to the hospital until we called. When we got to the hospital I was told it was still early labor and to walk the halls for a couple of hours. They called my DH over and over and finally decided to come anyways, even though I was still pacing the halls in agony and absolutely did not feel like seeing anyone. Once I was admitted, my MIL proceeded to badger the nurses, attempt to stick her head in the room, and call my mom to see what was taking so long. They finally gave up and left, then came back when they found out I was having a c-section. I later found out that while I was in the OR being prepped for the c-section and sobbing for my DH and asking why he wasn't in the room yet (he had to get dressed in surgical clothes before he could come in,) he was busy dealing with his mom, who had snuck back to our room and was insisting on getting photos of him in the scrubs.

    That was a really really long story, but obviously my point is to not have anyone there who will stress you out or disrespect your wishes.

  33. lemondrop

    bananas / 9118 posts

    No way! I'm definitely not at my best when pregnant and am way worse when in labor. My husband was a must have (although he was frustrated that he couldn't do much to help, but his support was essential), beyond that I only wanted medical staff. I was fine with medical students, since there are teaching rotations with my OB.

    Both of my labors happened late afternoon to evening, so they just waited until the next morning so all we could get a little sleep.

  34. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    Hells. No.


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