I was lucky (this time around) to have gained very little weight during my pregnancy. I gained 12 lbs. (still in shock about that) so when I gave birth to a 7lb 14 oz baby, I knew I would get back to my pre-pregnancy weight pretty fast.

Well this morning I stepped on the scale (8 days after giving birth) and not only am I back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but I am less than 1 lb shy of getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight from my first pregnancy (I still had 5 lbs to lose)

I am beyond excited, and can't wait to see the weight come off. I still have 20-25 lbs to lose, but seeing how things are coming along I am VERY OPTIMISTIC it can happen.

I haven't even tried on my non-maternity clothes... because my stomach is still not back to its size... so who wants a bulging muffin top. But YAY for a wonderful scale day!!!! I had to share my joy.