For my 3.5 year old, other than the more normal obsession over trains and his night time lovie that he bites on the sleep (still, at 3.5 years old, sigh), he developed a weird obsession over gloves. For the past months, whenever he saw a person wearing gloves, whether it was cleaning, throwing out garbage, preparing food, construction workers doing work, he'd ask, "why does he have gloves on?" I explained it to him a million times, but he still asks about it! The other day I took out his winter gloves, and he is obsessed with putting it on. He even puts gloves on and go to sleep at night. It just cracks me up that one morning I woke him up and saw him had gloves on. I joke to my husband that his son has this glove fetish. haha. Not sure if I should crack up about it or should I worry about it ...!

What about you guys? What are some of your child's strange obsessions? Do you worry about it? Or are we the only weird ones?