Mrs. Bee is awesome at so many things, but if I had to pick three then she is especially great at:

1) Figuring out what our picky eaters will actually eat! - I will sometimes pick a recipe to make the kids, and then Bee will let me know that the kids don't eat half the ingredients in my recipe. She knows just what to feed them so that they'll actually eat!

2) Bringing exactly what we need when we go out - When the kids are fussy, Bee will often whip out the perfect snack out of the stroller, when I didn't even think to bring anything with us! The other day, I brought a picnic blanket to the park and surprised her with it when we got there... I want to do that sort of thing more often. So, I've been making a bigger effort to plan ahead and anticipate things we'll need. It's hard though because she's so good at packing just the right thing! I've been amazed though at how just a little more planning can make such a big difference when we're out and about.

3) Finding developmental toys I've never heard of, but that are perfect for the kids! - I'm pretty sure that if I were raising the kids alone, I'd never to think to buy them wooden blocks, magnetic tiles, LEGOS or Megablox... all things the kids spend all day building with. Ok maybe I'd buy wooden blocks, but they'd probably be some terrible brand that gives all the kids splinters or something. I'm continually amazed at how much the kids love the developmental toys that she finds for them!

What are three parenting/household things that your SO is awesome at?