I have an almost 3 year old that still doesn't always sleep through the night. He never has regularly. I am terrified we are repeating the same mistakes and that DS2 will be the same. The thing is, I don't know what exactly we did wrong! Here's the low-down. Sorry it's long.

With DS1, he slept in the R&P next to our bed until about 8 weeks and then slept in his crib. I nursed to sleep most nights and he was actually a pretty good sleeper until 4 month regression and then it all went to shit. Also he had many ear infections between 5 and 10 months before getting tubes. For naps, he frequently slept in the swing and carseat as he was hard to soothe with his reflux and MSPI. His daycare (I have since switched) let him nap in the swing for all naps. I could never get him to go down drowsy but awake. We "sleep trained" at 9 months and it was absolute hell with him crying one night for many hours. It worked eventually but then he got croup a few months later and he regressed. He was super addicted to pacifier and we weaned at 2.5

With DS2 (he is 5 weeks), he sleeps at night in the R&P next to our bed. For naps, he kind of sleeps whereever, as his naps are not super predictable yet. He still sleeps a lot. Sometimes in the swing, sometimes in his crib, sometimes on me, or in the rock and play. Often in the car seat while running errands. I've tried to get him to go down drowsy but awake and it works sometimes. He doesn't usually nurse to sleep. I try to feed him when he wakes so that we have awake time afterwards. He also uses paci but isn't quite as obsessed as big brother. But right now, he isn't a fabulous night sleeper. He sleeps for a chunk early on, and then has a bunch of awake time and fitfull sleep later in the night.

Thanks for any advice you have! I am considering hiring sleep consultant to help us get him on the right path it's expensive so I keep waffling...