My youngest will be 8 months at Christmas...It's so easy to buy for my 3 year old (she wants everything!), but I try to stick with only buying things that will grow with the baby as we are done and we have so much from DD1. So far, we've pretty much only come up with an A&A Dream Blanket (DD1 loves hers so I want to do the same for DD2), some Freshly Picked mocs (I'm over cheap baby shoes from Gap that don't stay on- got her an adorable pair of mocs from there for like $10 and the damn things fall off constantly), and some teething rattles from Chew Beads. Possibly a stuffed polar bear from PBK bc they have 40% off today.

What else is there to get a baby? Especially when she's the second and last girl, so I hate buying stuff we won't use for long.

It's so funny - with DD1 I would have never had her in PJs that were out of season, but DD2 has on "My First Easter" pjs right now and that's FINE lol. I'm not buying any more!