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What baby item did you stock up on but not need?

  1. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @dc yoga bee: I did, too!!

    Blankets. So my blankets!! And pacis. I was so deteruined to use a orthodontist approved one, and she ended up loving Soothies. Joke was on me!

  2. Rocker2014

    persimmon / 1367 posts

    Cloth bibs - LO had reflux and all her spit ups were projectile and bibs didn't do a thing so we never used then.

    Breast pads, I've never leaked

    Baby lotion - Never used

    Pacifiers - LO never had any use for them

    We used the heck out of our burp cloths and swaddles!

  3. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    Muslin blankets with my first. But we used them a lot with my second, as he is a summer baby. Nothing with my second, I had a good handle on what I would and wouldn't need.

  4. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    i was gifted a lot of stuff i never used, like baby bibs, shoes, hats (that never fit!), some clothes i barely used because for the first few months he was mostly in sleepers.

    I also bought nipple cream and was able to return it because i never used it. I still have breast pads that i kept from 3 years ago. i used them, but not as many as i had. I used the swaddles a bit in the beginning but i didn't have A&A blankets then, so i think with #2, i won't bother with them.

  5. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    I'm always stocking up on breastpads, I use so many. I tried the reusable ones with dd1 but I'd leak through them within 5 minutes.

    I stocked up on bottles for dd2 for just in case but lo has only ever had one so thankfully I only paid half price for them!

  6. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    Can I have all the nursing pads that you guys aren't using? I have the super absorbent reusable ones and I wash them so often.

    When we were having latch issues during LO's first week, DH went online and bough me like a million soothing gel pads. I used like maybe three sets. I just never had nipple pain. I gave them all to a pregnant friend.

  7. gracecat

    clementine / 878 posts

    I leaked a ton so I used soooo many breast pads!

    Didn't need so many receiving blankets, burp cloths, newborn hand mittens, newborn hats, pacifiers or lovers.

  8. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    Bottles and nipples from different brands. I was told I would go through different types and brands til I found the right ones.

    I ended up having nicu babies and had a feeding specialist that recommended preemie nipples and bottles from Dr. Browns.

  9. bloved

    persimmon / 1114 posts

    Another one who had a ton of breast pads left over. Also pacifiers- my son never had any interest in them.

  10. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @rattles: Any interest in selling some of those Avent bottles?! 😉

  11. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    Newborn hats, small socks, different brands of pacifiers.

  12. MsHangry

    apricot / 422 posts

    3m clothes. I thought I was being smart by not buying any NB size and just going into 0-3 or 3m. There were some shirts he never even wore before he grew out of them.

    I didn't over buy other things because I didn't buy much before he was born. This kindof backfired because I didn't have some things in that desperate newborn hour of 3:30am.

  13. farawayyama

    kiwi / 556 posts

    Breast pads. I had issues with my milk coming in. I bf for 13 months but never produced enough to leak.

    Breast pump - because I had these issues I never could create a stash. A couple of times I tried to pump to go out for an evening and it would take 2-3 days of pumping in between feeds to produce enough for one bottle.

    Cloth diapers- I had all the best intentions but a newborn coupled with writing a thesis made it a no go.

  14. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    I have a ton of bibs. I have twins and my brother who has 3 kids said to me... 'You have enough bibs for 6 kids!' Lol! Oh, most of the bibs were handed down to me for a fellow twin mom.

    Oh, I have a lot of towels. I guess since I don't bathe them everyday that I can wash the ones I use before their next bath.

  15. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts

    @FaithFertility: oh wow! Count yourself lucky, both of mine were fountains!

    Nothing! I truly only bought things as we needed them so I never had a bunch of extra stuff that wasn't being used.

  16. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @yellowbird: @PawPrints: Ditto the interest in surplus breast pads!!!

    @farawayyama: yup...I really thought I would cloth diaper! But a heavy wetting/frequent pooping newborn, difficulty start ong on top of routine householding chores, and crap sleep made this a very low priority.

    In addition to cloth diapers...we have WAY too many baby socks, soft-structured carriers we haven't used (used the Moby a lot!), and so far, we've not really used/needed any bibs!

  17. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    Pacis. D never moved beyond the Soothie before we weaned at a year.


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