Hellobee Boards


What blog posts would you like to see?

  1. hotchildinthecity

    nectarine / 2272 posts

    @bluestriped bee: thanks!!! I'd love to write something if someone could let me know the process :).

  2. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    @hotchildinthecity: Here's how http://www.hellobee.com/submit-a-guest-blog/

  3. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @yin: I don't think I realized that both your kids were allergic. Do you know if that is common? I'm worried about baby #2 also being allergic. I'm planning on asking Xander's allergist his opinion at our appointment in a couple weeks.

  4. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    Right now I'd like to read a blog about someone's journey through a positive IPS screen. I'm having a hard time dealing with a positive T18 screen and would love to know more about choosing blood tests or amnios or just how to get through this all.

  5. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    I would like to see blogs from the perspective of Bees pregnant with their "rainbow" babies...dealing with the anxiety that comes from being pregnant again after loss(es.)

  6. Mrs. Chocolate

    blogger / nectarine / 2600 posts

    I also saw this bumped up and appreciated this post. Sadly I also dont fit into a lot of the categories that others have requested blog posts about, allergies, IF, special needs etc.

    If some of these issues are near and dear to you I think doing either a guest post or applying to be a blogger would be a great way to add exposure and variety to the blog. Mrs Tiger was one who was a poster who became a blogger since she hits a demographic that previously no one of us were able to fill.

  7. Mrs. Chocolate

    blogger / nectarine / 2600 posts

    @yin: Mrs Juice ( I think its her at elast fof the top of my head) has a daughter with food allergies and I think she has blogged a few times about her situation in regards to parties and finding food suitable for her daughter to eat. Mrs High Heels might also have a daughter with allergies though I dont know if she has blogged about it before if her daughter does have allergies which I dont 100% recall.

  8. Mrs. Chocolate

    blogger / nectarine / 2600 posts

    @simplyfelicity: Hmmm. I dont know if my son constituted as a rainbow baby as the miscarriage I suffered before him was unplanned and we didnt try again for my son for 2 more years basically since we hadnt been trying to get pregnant when we did accidentally. I have shared my miscarriage story here about Peanut (whom I still think of to this day)


    I had bleeding with my son which I talk about in the blog post; 7 weeks of angry bleeding that magically stopped at 13 weeks. My son is 4 now and perfect (to us).

    Is this what you were hoping for when asking? If its not what could I blog about to meet your requirements if I even fit into it. Id be happy to share if I can in any way

  9. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @Mrs. Chocolate: Thank you for sharing this...it very much spoke to me. I am on my third pregnancy to, hopefully, have my first child so it's an especially poignant post.
    Most of the blog entries I see are ones I don't identify with because they are about mothers and their children. That is completely expected on a parenting site of course! I just don't usually read them.
    I guess it would be nice just to have different perspecitves about all things parenthood (especially the journey there.)
    I am not saying anything needs to change, and I wrote here expecting it to be a drop in the pail, so thank you for responding.

  10. Mrs. Chocolate

    blogger / nectarine / 2600 posts

    @simplyfelicity: I hope that this little baby sticks for you. Miscarriages are heartbreaking whether they happen once or many times over, its a pain that is unbearable despite how from the outside they can be invisible to everyone else.

    I am sure it can be hard to see posts about mothers and their babies when you are dealing with personal pain and hurt when trying to become a mother.

    I think the issue is that so many of the bloggers currently dont necessarily fit into these specific categories people are wishing to read about, IVF, food allergies etc. None of us can share what we dont have experience with which is why I think if you think you have a unique view point others might relate to but currently isnt addressed with the existing bloggers it might be best for you apply to do a guest post on it or apply to be a regular blogger yourself. I know as a blogger myself I want to write stuff that others want to read and can relate to just like I read what I like and can relate to but I also cant write what I dont understand or have experienced.

    If there is anything else specific you wanted to know or hear from that I can address on my miscarriage and the birth of my children afterwards please let me know. I am an open book and it doesnt even have to be a blog, just wall me to talk. I love meeting new friends

  11. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: Thanks for bumping! I think I missed this thread the first time around. Were you wondering if there were any topics in the works for the topics you requested or just this thread in general?

    This is a great thread, and I hope it encourages those who do fit in some of these categories to apply to blog. A lot of the situations are so unique that I, too, don't feel like I can contribute to a lot of the topics requested here.

    I feel like I have blogged about some of the topics mentioned, like the transition from 1 to 2 children, what pregnancy was like the 2nd time around, and what that transition was like for my husband (I asked him to write a post of his own in his very own words, but he's hesitant and it takes him a looong time to formulate his thoughts), but I would love to see more male bloggers too! I've written about a peanut allergy scare that sent us to the ER, but it looks like people are wanting to read things other than peanut allergies. And I've also touched on topics related to culture, like how we celebrate lunar new year, and korean and chinese postpartum rituals like sitting the month.

    Right now I've been focusing on writing posts related to the 1 to 2 child transition, so if anyone has any specific requests regarding that then I'll give it a shot! I wish I could tackle some of the other topics mentioned, and would love to read more of them myself... but like Mrs. Chocolate already mentioned, I can't really write what I haven't gone through or experienced.

  12. Kemma

    grapefruit / 4291 posts

    I love reading posts written by those who are parenting outside of the "norm". Posts about extended breastfeeding, not sleep training, baby-wearing etc. Mrs Twine is a blogger who springs to mind when I think of great posts!

  13. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @simplyfelicity: I had a few posts like that..


  14. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: I just wanted to chime in and thank you for these posts on such a hard topic. I am newly pregnant again after a loss a year ago and having such conflicted feelings. It helps to know I am not alone on these feelings and your successful pregnancy with Charlotte helps me feel hopeful!

  15. yin

    honeydew / 7917 posts

    @Mrs. Chocolate: Thank you! Mrs. Juice only briefly mentioned it in her post about treating eczema. I would love for her to elaborate on how food allergies affects her family life. I know it plays a huge role in mine.

    @Mrs. High Heels: I remember reading your post on N's reaction to peanuts at daycare, and it was a huge resource for me when my LO had his first peanut reaction. I recalled the symptoms and signs N had and saw the same happening to my LO.

    For me food allergies is a big part of my life. Realizing that so many people have misconceptions about food allergies makes me wish that others could be a little more informed (even down to pediatricians).

  16. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    @Mrs. High Heels: selfishly, I'd like to see blog posts I specifically suggested, but in a general sense I was wondering if the community was getting the content they wanted to read about.

  17. Mrs. Tiger

    blogger / pomegranate / 3044 posts

    @yin: you should absolutely do a guest post, I would love to be better educated about food allergies!

    If any of you are interested in a particular topic from a special-needs parenting perspective please speak up!

  18. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @yin: I hope you end up doing a guest post about dealing with food allergies!

    I actually applied to be a blogger and would have talked about dealing with Xander's dairy allergy, especially in a daycare where food is provided. We even have an allergist appointment coming up soon! But my application wasn't accepted. It's possible others have applied too that could answer some of these topics we'd like to see, but haven't been accepted. Blogging's about more than having an interesting topic to talk about!!

  19. Mrs. Chocolate

    blogger / nectarine / 2600 posts

    @Adira: Why not try a guest post? Or apply again in a bit? I really dont know what the criteria is either to be honest but maybe start with a guest post?

  20. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: Sorry for the delayed response! Was out of town... I really liked a lot of your suggestions, and just want to touch on them bc I think some of them have been blogged about, but others are probably more challenging to tackle!

    After reading Torchwood's gut wrenching personal blog topics like that should be on the main page. There are a few bloggers who post about miscarriage, but I don't recall reading about having to make decisions based on medical reasons. It's great we have the boards for the hard stuff, but those facts of life deserve front page action too. - I think Mrs. Tiger has provided a much needed voice on the blog in terms of posts like this! Mrs. Hide and Seek (an older, maybe one of the first, bloggers) wrote a lot about her child's autism diagnosis too

    A swarm post from the kid's perspective. There was a really cute thread once about kids answering "where does God live?" or something like that. I think Mrs. Jacks started it. the LOs on could discuss a variety of topics- what's a friend? Bedtime routine? What makes them grow? Describe their parents? What's their talent? Favorite book?
    Some of the older ones can certainly articulate deeper thoughts on school, being a sibling, being part of a team, grief etc - This is a really cute idea!! I've been wanting to interview my daughter now that she's 4 and has opinions on things like this. Maybe all the bloggers can get together and come up with something.

    You also had a lot of WOHM post suggestions --

    1) Work clothing/ style tips - Mrs. Wagon wrote one not too long ago! http://www.hellobee.com/2014/10/17/working-mom-wardrobe-staples-for-fall/ - Maybe I can tackle this too.

    2) Prepping LO and partner for an overnight work trip - Mrs. Llama wrote a couple - http://www.hellobee.com/when-mama-travels/

    3) Use of PTO/vacation time - Not sure what angle to approach something like this? Like what we do on our days off?

    4) What's at your desk/ in your cubicle? ( similar to the diaper bag posts) - I wouldn't know how to turn this into a post. My cube isn't very exciting, but I do have a snack drawer!

    5) Pumping at the office/in the car- I wrote about pumping in the office - http://www.hellobee.com/2013/05/20/pumping-at-work/ and so did Mrs. Chipmunk http://www.hellobee.com/2014/02/03/the-difficulties-of-pumping-at-work/

    Hope this helps!


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