My 15 month old (OK maybe not a toddler yet, but she doesn't feel like a baby anymore!) woke up whimpering and then full blown crying an hour ago. Normally, I'd let her find her pacifier and she'd be fine, but she was just laying there wailing. So sad! So I went in and tried rubbing her back, rocking, rocking and rubbing, singing, shhing, everything I could think of to no avail. Finally I turned on the light and still no dice. My husband came in and took a turn and it still took him 20 min to calm her down! What gives? I know she's getting her last molar, but dang. My DH had to sing "goodnight sweetheart"about 500 times. Lol. Now he's reading books to her and hopefully she'll go to sleep without a problem. What do you do with an inconsolable child?