There was a post a few days back about how to distract toddlers during diaper changes... and it reminded me that I wanted to post this question. I know RJ is entering the "terrible twos" but he is just so incredibly whiny and cries a lot lately. We end up letting him eat dinner while running all around and we give him pretty much anything he wants (remote controls, smartphones, glass salt/pepper shakers, etc) because if we don't, he immediately begins to cry hysterically and almost always throws up. I've tried distraction but he violently pushes away anything that you try to hand to him or show him. Once you finally offer him the thing he originally wanted, he grabs it and gleefully smiles, laughs, and runs away with it with huge tears still hanging in his eyes and all over his face.
Dinnertimes are almost always a disaster (he ends up eating so little) and bedtime is becoming difficult too... it takes almost half an hour to convince him to go upstairs and we have to let him climb the stairs himself. If we even go to pick him up in the evening time he starts to cry immediately because he thinks we're taking him upstairs.
I know that this is probably a phase, but from what I've heard, this phase lasts for a while. I almost dread every day and whenever I'm with him, I'm so on edge that he's going to whine and/or cry every second. And he does!
He is very social and is great when people are over... it's almost like he shows off for them and he acts great. But when it's just mommy and daddy, it's a whole different story.
I don't really know if doing time-outs is right because he's not really doing anything outright bad like biting, hitting, or yanking things from people. Am I supposed to give him a time-out for standing in front of the counter and crying because I won't give him a metal knife?
I miss my angel baby... who is this demon who looks just like him???
So I guess my question is... how do you deal with a toddler entering the terrible twos? How do you stay sane???