My youngest is having a hard time. I put her to bed at 8:30-9 (earliest I can because she shares a room with her sister and the older one will purposely wake her up if I change the order).
So then I can't go to sleep until 11:30 because she wakes up screaming once every hour until 11:30, I have rock her back to sleep each time. Then she wakes at 2, I am half asleep and bring her into my bed, then the rest of the night she rolls around, kicks me in the face etc... We have a king and I end up on the very edge every night with a foot in my face.

Tonight she woke at 11:30 (after I fell asleep on the floor) and has been up ever since. I am so tired, I want to scream!!! It's 2:45am and I have to be up at 5am.