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What do you think of the new ban on elective early c sections?

  1. SweetMamaM

    pear / 1743 posts

    It's interesting to read this - down here in NZ, elective C-Section probably exist but they appear to be very rare. I've had friends who have had c-sections but it has usually been at their due date, with the majority of those being due to labour failing to progress (for a whole multitude of reasons).
    I think everyone is entitled to make decisions on their own body but I understand that the legislation is probably there to protect women who aren't as educated and supported in their decision as Ecogirl... as is often the case, rules are put in place to protect and assist the many rather than the few.

  2. ecogirl

    kiwi / 534 posts

    Thank you @Beeofservice that was very eloquent and encouraging

  3. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    @Beeofservice: that was very well said. I think you've hit the nail on the head.

  4. tessabella76

    cherry / 166 posts

    I don't agree with elective c-sections or early elective inductions. With all the potential negative problems for both mom and baby, I really don't understand why anyone would do it. I think the baby and the body know best when they are ready to deliver, barring any complications.

    However, it is your body, your baby, and your decision. No one should tell you what can or cannot do to your body. As long as you're informed and prepared to deal with any potential negative affects, you should do whatever you feel is best.

  5. MsMamaBear

    pear / 1861 posts

    @ecogirl: I agree with the "doubt they've given birth yet" LOL

    I listened to my doctor. I doubt people on the internet could have given me the info I needed. Especially those who have never HAD a c-section. (I had to have one at 39wks, water broke and her heart was in distress, then come to find out she was breech too.LOL) As long as the doctor is fine with it, it's up to the person.

  6. MsMamaBear

    pear / 1861 posts

    @ecogirl:" because I feel that any decent doctor will not endanger lives and open themselves to malpractice suits willingly."

    Agree. I often wonder WHERE these doctors are that just let patients endanger their babies??

  7. Maysprout

    grapefruit / 4800 posts

    There's increased rates of infant morbidity before 39 weeks so it makes sense that a hospital wouldn't want to perform that procedure without a medical reason. There is no ban, just many hospitals are deciding it's not best practice to perform an early c-section.

  8. runsyellowlites

    coconut / 8305 posts

    @MsMamaBear: I agree with that as well..... other than the fact that these bans are because of doctors that HAVE been okay with doing these early elective cesareans and organizations like the cdc, who, acog, and such are showing that it is infact detrimental. And sadly doctors actually risk less suite issues if they perform cesareans than if they do vaginal deliveries.

    It's the same with looking at our infant & maternal mortality rates linked to early & excessive use of "term" cesareans.... I mean it's not like patients are performing them on themselves. It's Doctors who should be looking out for the best benefit of their patients that are compromising and doing them either for convenience or monetary purposes... and statistics are showing that it's more prevalent than not =/

    It's sad that because of the doctors that are performing these procedures aren't taking the stance & responsible approach that they should that the hospitals are having to implement policies to make them.

  9. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @runsyellowlites: I'd also like to add, not even the best doctor can know for sure that a baby is ready to be born before you are full term. They can't see that the lungs, etc are fully developed until the baby is out. So they may be PRETTY sure that the baby is ready, but they can't be 100%.

  10. runsyellowlites

    coconut / 8305 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: Exactly. My issue is more with the Doctors that aren't upholding the oath that they took and we're clearly seeing the negative consequences from it.

    Only thing is it's on US...... our babies and our mommas that are being harmed from it. Most doctors (if honest) would tell you that a cesarean unless absolutely medically necessary is riskier short term AND long term for both momma and baby. Knowing that though you have to wonder WHY we have such a high cesarean rate...... aren't our doctors supposed to be doing the safest job for the healthiest and best outcomes? =/

  11. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    I think that if it's not a medical emergency then I don't see why you get to choose when your baby arrives. I mean, I wanted my son out by 38 weeks because I was fed up and by week 41 i was induced.

    Sure the last few weeks weren't fun, but who am I to decide when I want my child when it can be done "naturally" (which is the route I was planning on taking anyway)

    C-Sections, shouldn't be taken lightly and I feel it's become like any other plastic surgery (when you don't need to get a c-section I mean) it seems easier for everyone so why not do it.

    I'm against it and am all for your body prepping for labour. Again, I am not talking about emergency c-sections and in my sister's instance she had no choice but to have a c-section ... but if you don't need it, you shouldn't have the option. (unless the doctor feels the baby won't go through etc)

    That's my two-cents and I'm sure alot of people will disagree. I just don't understand people who want c-sections because it means it won't change their body or vagina. I mean, you decided to have a child... deal with it (and everything that comes with it)

  12. Mrsbells

    squash / 13199 posts

    yeah like many other posters i have to disgaree with the OP, have elective c-section/ induction before 39 weeks shouldnt be your choice. Its best for the baby to stay in until the full term unless there are complications that force the baby to be removed earlier than 39 weeks... I dont see why a mother would want to have a c-section at 36 weeks or 37 weeks. I think anyone getting pregnant should be ready to commit to the full 40 weeks of pregnancy.

  13. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    Another thing to consider is that the dating of pregnancies isn't always black and white. Sometimes the date of conception is off by a week and there is even debate as to how many weeks is considered to be full term.

  14. runsyellowlites

    coconut / 8305 posts

    @looch: This too! DH and I were trying so we "knew" when we conceived, BUT our u/s dated us not quite as far along as we "knew" we were.

    So even when it's planned there could be some discrepancy on "when" conception occurred and "when" baby is ready,

  15. momentspassslow

    olive / 55 posts

    I won't tell you what to do or how to handle your own delivery - but in my case I had an unwanted c-section and the recovery is just awful. (I am well aware that recovery from a vaginal delivery can be difficult too.) It is a major, MAJOR surgery. Things are cut that should not be cut. Your body is put through hell. I just, personally, don't understand why you would electively put yourself through it. Just my two cents.

  16. LivsMama

    pear / 1728 posts

    @momentspassslow: I had a completely different experience than you did with my recovery. Mine was cake. I was up and walking about 11 hours later, managed the pain with Motrin or Advil, and felt 100% by about 6 weeks. Id say I felt about 95% by 4 weeks. I dont know the circumstances behind yours, but since mine was elective I didnt labor at all and wasnt breech, both of which I hear can make recovery more difficult.

    I do agree that it is a MAJOR surgery, but for me, it was absolutely better than the alternative. That being said, like I said earlier in this thread, I dont agree with taking them early unless its medically necessary. But to each their own I guess

    ETA - Holy cow! I just checked out your blog, Baby Boy is SOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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