We have been using the Aden & Anais muslin blankets to swaddle LO since we brought her home from the hospital, but the past two weeks she has been able to loosen it quicker and quicker! Before we know it, her hand is free and then her whole arm. The loosened blanket would mean every time she startled, the swaddle would prove useless since she would wake herself still. I like the A&A material but her sleep was suffering (thus my sleep...). Well, tonight I finally broke out the Miracle Blanket for its debut and am interested to see if the tighter swaddle is what she needs to rest better. We didn't take it out sooner cause she was so tiny and the arm bands didn't fit properly.

What is your favorite swaddle blanket? Do this change as your LO grew stronger/bigger?

Also, do you swaddle then feed or feed then swaddle for bedtime?