I studied Latin in high school, and Japanese in college. Forgot 99% of my Latin, and 80% of my Japanese! *fist pump*
What languages did you study, and how much do you remember?
I studied Latin in high school, and Japanese in college. Forgot 99% of my Latin, and 80% of my Japanese! *fist pump*
What languages did you study, and how much do you remember?
coconut / 8079 posts
French, German, & Spanish. My Spanish isn't very good at all. And I honestly don't remember much German because I haven't used it in years. My French is good though. I teach it.
cantaloupe / 6171 posts
Umm, basically every Romance language except Romanian, and I know none of it well anymore! Latin in mIddle and high school (which helped me be able to pick up the others), Italian in high school and college, Portuguese in college, and then french and Spanish in grad school though only for reading/translation purposes. I wish I'd just focused on french or Spanish much earlier, the Italian and Portuguese were just for fun and not useful/practical really for my purposes
pomegranate / 3053 posts
Chinese for 10 years and Spanish for 2 years. I've forgotten a lot of Spanish but it does come back easier than Chinese when I need to use it. I've never forgotten how to speak Chinese but have forgotten a lot of how to read and write. It's terrible! Now that we're living in Asia, I get a second chance to brush up on it and speak more with family and friends more now. It's easy to forget if you don't speak it often. And the same goes for any language, really.
bananas / 9227 posts
I studied Spanish and Filipino (Tagalog) in Jr. HS, then Spanish again in HS and in college. I was able to ask for directions in Lanzarote last spring (Where is the aquarium?) It's ridiculous how proud I was. Lol.
I studied Tagalog on my own before I left for Korea and while there I casually studied Korean. I speak Tagalog and can read pretty well (just slow) and I can understand (very) basic conversational Korean and can sound out written Korea even if I don't exactly know what I'm reading.
Since then, I've studied Swedish. I've passed the initial tests and supposed to be able to speak Swedish at an elementary school level. But that's definitely not the case, although I can read and write much better than I can speak.
pineapple / 12566 posts
Spanish and French and I live in a German speaking country so there is immersion, but I haven't actually studied German.
I can vaguely get by in Spanish, reading is definitely better than speaking and oral comprehension.
My French is more than fluent, I'm a translator working with French.
My German is limited to restaurant German and preschool-vocab German.
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
Spanish, grades 6-8, I have lost most of it.
Latin, grades 9-12, I never learned it as a spoken language, so I have also lost most of it, except for some word origin things.
French: 1 year in college to fulfill my language requirement, lost 100% of it.
German: conversational mastery only
Italian: conversational mastery only, in a dialect.
bananas / 9628 posts
Four years of French & one year of Latin. I remember little Latin & simple phrases in French, I'd probably make a mess of French grammar if I tried to speak it now.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
I was in French Immersion Grades 1-12 - I live in a bilingual community so I use it on an almost daily basis.
I took a few years of ASL but I'm rusty on that.
grapefruit / 4819 posts
Spanish in HS and can get by, barely....which is pretty sad considering I am half Mexican and most of the Mexican side of my family is completely bilingual!
I also studied Mandarin for six months ahead of a trip to China and managed to learn how to say hello, thank you, the numbers 1-10, and how to say "you are not my friend". That's it. I am rubbish at languages!
grapefruit / 4089 posts
French, and I remember very little. I can sometimes pick up pieces here and there if someone is speaking it, and I can get by reading it if it's pretty basic, but I can't speak it myself.
squash / 13208 posts
That about it - Actually I can say a few phrases in Spanish buts that's all - I took it for 2 years
I also took Latin for 2 years but we didn't speak it just did translating - no zero words
pomegranate / 3729 posts
French for four years and Spanish for four years. I can't really speak either, but when I substitute in those classes I can usually read simple directions/understand what students are saying.
grapefruit / 4817 posts
I took 4 years of French and 2 years of ASL. I remember very little of either.
persimmon / 1367 posts
Five years of Spanish in HS, I can still.be understood when need to but it is terrible. I understand a lot.more than I can speak, which has been very useful.at work.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
I took French in elementary school and I remember almost nothing. I took Spanish in high school and college. The kids I work with have taught me more Spanish than I learned in school. This year, 7 of my 18 students speak primarily Spanish and some of their parents speak no English at all.
nectarine / 2641 posts
French through high school and one semester in college. I still could get by in France, I suppose. I probably still have 60-70%
Hebrew in college, but for translation (Biblical Hebrew, not conversational.) I don't think I even remember the whole alphabet. Sad.
pomelo / 5791 posts
2 years of Latin, 2 years of Spanish, 1 semester of French and 1 semester of German. I remember a little bit of Latin and a good amount of Spanish, but I definitely couldn't walk around speaking it.
persimmon / 1379 posts
I was in French Immersion in school, but don't use it often. I can follow basic radio/television but with a child in kindergarten FI I am finding my vocab lacking! I can do things like ask a cab to go somewhere, order a meal and read newspapers though.
I took Spanish through high school, and spent a year in a spanish speaking country on exchange. I would say that my Spanish is about the same as my French. Good enough to get by on vacation, lol!
pear / 1787 posts
growing up in canada, french was mandatory in elementary school and i took it well into high school as well. i'm definitely not fluent but can read signs and can get by in quebec or france, if need be. if people are speaking slowly (which they never do) i can understand bits and pieces but definitely do better with reading than anything else.
i took sign language lessons for a few years in elementary school from a lady at my church. i only know the alphabet and a few signs to go along with hymns! haha.
i took spanish for a year in college and learned a bit during a 2 month stay in costa rica. i can get by with like... cab directions and ordering meals and i know the odd surprising word but that's about it. i have the rosetta stone discs and need to get back into it because i love spanish!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
I took french in high school and remember very little. I took Spanish in college and beyond and was at one point at least conversational. Now... I forget a lot. I also took Swedish as an adult but never got very far. Whenever we go to Sweden it comes back but they also speak such good English and my husband speaks swedish fluently do it's too easy to be lazy!!
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
I studied Spanish in high school and I actually remember a lot of the basics.
pomegranate / 3595 posts
5 years of Spanish and some time abroad and I am fluent enough to use it at work every day!
I also lived in South Africa and learned one of the local languages. I remember some sentences but am not nearly as proficient as I used to be. Same with the Somali dialect I learned when doing refugee work--a few words stuck but that is about it!
pineapple / 12526 posts
3 years of French. I still know a few basics. Probably could introduce myself, tell you I'm american and don't speak french and count..... Lol
honeydew / 7916 posts
Latin in middle school - remember random conjugations and words.
French in high school - what I remember was enough to get by in French-speaking countries.
Spanish immersion in 4th grade - no grammar, but enough phrases and words to get by in Spanish-speaking countries
Some ASL in 7th grade - remembered the alphabet, which is used a lot in ASL
Korean every weekend from K-8 - fluent on a basic conversational level, but would have a hard time conducting high-level business.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
Spanish in High school...I remember "la carta" which means the letter all thanks to this weird show called The Destinos that our teacher made us watch...I don't remember a lot more than that other than random phrases and some colors.
I took Sign Language in college and I remember how to count, the alphabet, and the naughty words
pomelo / 5678 posts
German, Italian, and Spanish. I am okay with Spanish, I took the most of that one! I was in Argentina and had to speak and I did alright!
bananas / 9118 posts
Spanish and french in high school and Latin in college. I have never used french, use Spanish occasionally due to living in AZ, and actually use my Latin frequently since I am taking medical language at work!
pomegranate / 3127 posts
Spanish, French and Hebrew. My Spanish and French are ok, but Hebrew... not so much because I never use it Hopefully I'll have more opportunity to practice some day.
coconut / 8472 posts
I took French for about 7 years, including a semester in college. I was almost fluent by college, I could converse (at least enough to make myself understood) and I could understand what was being said, and I could read in it. But I haven't used it much so I've lost maybe 50% of it. If I immersed myself I could probably get most of it back.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
I took French and barely tenement! Should have taken Spanish!
pomegranate / 3244 posts
I only studied Spanish in school (grades 6-12) and I'm fluent It helps that I spent ~4 years living in Spanish-speaking countries, and married a native Spanish speaker, so that's what I speak at home
I lived in a very indigenous area of Bolivia, and studied a bit of Quechua--I could get by ok, but now I only remember how to say cat, 1-10, I'm hungover, and I don't have any money. I guess you can tell what words/phrases I used the most!
Right now I'm trying to teach myself Portuguese, but it is hard when you don't have anyone to speak to!!
clementine / 911 posts
I took Spanish in middle school and high school then switched it up and took French in college. Sometimes I still get the two confused. I remember a little here and there but not enough to carry on a conversation. When we went to Mexico last summer I was surprised by how much Spanish came back to me.
nectarine / 2148 posts
I studied Spanish for many many years and am good at it. My speaking is lacking since I studied it, but my listening and reading is still really good. I studied Italian for a semester and probably know as much now as I did then. I can also understand French and Portuguese, but didn't study it so I can't speak it.
I majored in Chinese in college and studied abroad in China. Definitely lost more of that than any other language, but still know a lot. I also studied and know a little bit of Japanese, Korean, and Tagalog from being in China.
I also know a little bit of American sign language.
watermelon / 14206 posts
I took Spanish all through middle and high school and remember most of it. I took German in college but I can only read and understand it. I can't think of any words on my own.
olive / 72 posts
I took French for nine years and Spanish for two. My French is still okay; I've traveled to France three times as an adult and took a brush-up course from an adult education center a couple of years ago. My Spanish...not so much. I still remember a lot of vocabulary but not how to conjugate all but the most common verbs, so I can communicate on a very basic level but sound like a total idiot while doing so, lol.
pomelo / 5093 posts
5 years of grade school French, forgotten nearly all of it. What a waste. Then I got my degree in Russian, and I've forgotten a good bit of that, too. I really wish I'd made the time to spend a summer in Russia after graduation, just so I could feel like I didn't totally waste all the effort learning it.
pomelo / 5041 posts
Spanish for 5 years. I remember a lot and if I took a quick refresher on tenses I think I'd quickly be back at 100%.
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