I want to hear other folks' perspectives and stories. Apologies, I wrote a novel below.

DH and I are at a bit of a standstill over Baby #3. DS is 3.5 years and DD is 18 months. DH has a demanding career which involves long hours and tons of travel. My career is slightly less demanding, but is certainly busy. I do the majority of household and kid stuff. Life right now is manageable. We are certainly busy and tired, but we are managing our careers and enjoying our family as well.

DH wants #3 - he acknowledges that it would make life tougher for the next few years, but points out that these years (young kids who need you completely) are short. He is thinking ahead and thinks it will be nicer to have 3 children, more people at holidays, more potential grandchildren, more children to help us when we're older, etc. Also, DD has some health problems and he would like to know she has another sibling to help her in the future if she needs it. FWIW, our kids only have 2 first cousins. From a financial perspective, we could afford a 3rd. I'm in my late 30s, so I can't wait forever to make this decision.

Anyway, I'd love to hear from anyone who was on the fence about #3 and decided for or against it. I worry about how crazy life would be with 3 kids, especially since my husband works so much. But, I know that I would love #3 as much as my first 2. BTW, I'm not asking you guys to help me decide - I realize that's what it sounds like. I really just don't know what to do and would love to hear from other people, especially couples who disagreed about whether to have #3 and how they resolved that. And how things turned out. Thanks for reading!