So this is weird. But my whole life I've always pictured the afterlife as having a library of sorts where all the knowledge of the universe is perfectly organized and ready to be discovered. Anything you want to know, you just go to the drawer, pull out the file, and learn (I guess I should update my vision to technology… maybe now it would just be a laptop on a desk with afterlife-wikipedia…)

Anyways. Whenever mysteries pop up I always mentally categorize it as something to look up "later." Most recently-- what the hell happened to the Malaysia plane!

Other things I want to know:
- Who shot JFK? Was there a 2nd gunman?
- Did the CIA have anything to do with Marilyn Monroe's death?
- Did Courtney Love have anything to do with Kurt Cobain's death?
- What happened to Brian Shaffer (local thing-- college student disappeared from a bar I was at when I was in law school and no one ever found out what happened to him)?

I'm sure there are more but those are the ones that come to mind.

What would you look up if you could know anything for sure ?