Hellobee Boards


What mysteries do you want answers to?

  1. bpcmarj

    pomegranate / 3729 posts

    Roanoke Colony for sure. Lizzie Borden, and a local one called "the lady in the dunes".

    Also, why did Elliot Stabler leave his SVU squad?

  2. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    You guys are making me go on a wikipedia binge to look up all these things

  3. MsLipGloss

    GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts

    @matador84: fascinating! looks like I can expand my reading list!

    @bpcmarj: I just checked out the *lady in the dunes* . . . such an eerie quality to the story!

  4. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    @Mae: I remember this story and how bizarre it was.

  5. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    Oh man I love unsolved mysteries, mostly ancient ones. Who built the Sphinx and why... and who was it of? Is the face we see on it today the same one it was originally built with?

  6. MsLipGloss

    GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts

    @mrbee: Texas forever

  7. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @matador84: yes roanoke!

  8. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    What's REALLY in Nutella that makes it so GD addicting?...

  9. yoursilverlining

    eggplant / 11824 posts

    @bpcmarj: A friend of mine and I stayed overnight at the Lizzie Borden House (now, a B&B) – we slept in the room the step-mother got axed in! lol The historians who run the place have decent theories – the father was a control freak and extremely unpleasant; especially about his daughters, but the entire family in general. There was a lot of talk (and some evidence) that Lizzie and her father had an incestuous relationship and that she became pregnant and he ordered an abortion be performed (by the doctor who lived across the street). The murders took place shortly after that - they believe that Lizzie knew who the killer was and was involved in his hiring/convincing to commit murder but that she didn’t actually physically do it herself. The house itself is quite creepy; there are most definitely spirits there (if you believe!).

  10. bpcmarj

    pomegranate / 3729 posts

    @yoursilverlining: I live fairly close to there but have never been. I can imagine it is creepy as lots of houses there from that time are creepy.

    Eta: that didn't come out right. Old architecture plus murder equals extra creepy.

  11. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @blackbird: mmmm nutella.

  12. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @snowjewelz: total wikipedia binge!!! good thing it's lunchtime!!

  13. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @pui: And why was Stonehenge built?

  14. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @yoursilverlining: maybe it was Lizzy's brain! http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=127888976
    I heard this story about the brains of pyschopaths--interesting stuff!

  15. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    Malaysia airplane
    the Mayans
    Roanoke colony
    Evolution- are we still evolving
    was Abe Lincoln really black?
    where is heaven? because after the clouds the universe is void of color
    where is hell?

  16. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @IRunForFun: Yeah that's a big one!!

  17. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

  18. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    Amelia Earhart
    Will we find the cure to cancer?
    Are there other planets like Earth out there? Are they more advanced or less advanced than us?
    Does anyone have any superpowers? Time travel? Immortality? Anything like X-men?
    Will we ever be able to predict when earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes will happen?
    Loch Ness Monster?

  19. mrbee

    admin / wonderful grape / 20724 posts

    @MrsStormy: He may well have done it, but I think the burden of proof should be higher before they put someone on death row.

  20. fussygal

    pomegranate / 3580 posts

    @sheskrafty: Lol, missing socks was the first thing I thought of when I saw this thread, too.

  21. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    @mrbee: You might be right. I do know that a lot of the jury on that trial were very torn up over it, to this day she can't/wont talk about it, and she had to go to counseling after. The weight of "putting someone to death" is huge, that reason alone may be good enough to need more irrefutable proof I guess.

  22. yoursilverlining

    eggplant / 11824 posts

    @pui: yes; Dyatlor Pass! The movie "Devil's Pass" (on netflix) is actually pretty good. Id love to know what happened there.

  23. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    Guys I haven't heard of like half of these things! Major wikipedia binge here! FUN!

    I want to know about JFK. I took a JFK conspiracy theory class in college, so I'd really love to know the actual truth there.

    Natalie Wood, Marilyn Monroe, Tupac, Biggie, Amelia Erhardt, JonBenet Ramsey...all those high-profile, whatever-ever-happened/how-did-this-happen things.

  24. Mrs. Chocolate

    blogger / nectarine / 2600 posts

    Roanoke Colony
    Malaysian Airplane
    Etan Patz
    and so many more mentioned above

  25. Anya

    nectarine / 2784 posts

    All of the above, plus the recipe to Dr Pepper.

  26. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    @snowjewelz: @sheskrafty: A girl I went to middle school with went to high school with Natalee Holloway and was on the Aruba trip when she disappeared.

  27. jlm22

    apricot / 343 posts

    @Anya: Now I want a Dr. Pepper.

    Yes to all of the above and I also want to know who killed Hae Min Lee.

    One more... I want to know why I can fall asleep on the couch and be more tired than I ever have been in my life, drag myself to bed and then be wide awake? (Right now)

  28. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    All of the above plus the Zodiac Letters. And do aliens, Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster exist.

    ETA: Oh - and the disappearance of Madeleine McCann!

  29. Miss Ariel

    nectarine / 2210 posts

    What happened to the two lost English princes.

  30. erinpye

    pomegranate / 3706 posts

    Wow this is an old thread!

    Mine would be the tamám shud case. It's FASCINATING!

  31. MRSJX3

    cherry / 245 posts

    @jlm22: I want to know who killed Hae too!

    I also want to know if the palace had anything to do with Princess Di's death.

  32. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    Last year we had a stack of my DH's gift cards go missing. It was several hundreds of dollars... I reeeeeeally want to know what happened...

  33. NavyRN2012

    persimmon / 1447 posts

    Ooh fun thread! JonBenet Ramsey kills me. Plus most of the above..

  34. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    The planeeeee

  35. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @Miss Ariel: that's a good one.

  36. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @jlm22: that happens to me too. I think it is like a power nap thing. Short naps are very energizing (short term) so I think when you let yourself fall asleep on the couch you just get too much adrenaline to go right to bed. This is why I never fall asleep on the couch!

    Loving that this thread is revived I also want to know what happened to Hae now. And how the F Donald Trump has become a front-runner in the presidential election.

  37. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    This thread is blowing my mind!!!


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