My grandpa got LO some Ralph Lauren khakis, a top and a hat as a "joke" so they can look alike. I thought it was super cute because my grandpa is RL obsessed and he lives in this style hat and khakis. On top he will wear all type of things though...sweatervest, ribbed sweater, button-down and tie, polo...

So, we're taking LO to get his 6m picture taken and we want one of the photos to be with him wearing the outfit. Problem is, the top just fits so small and won't fit him at 6m. The pants and hat will.
So, I am on the hunt for a top that will look good with these pants and this hat (blue belt will be removed for picture):
photo (2)

This is the top (pretty much) that my gramps originally got for LO (wasn't in love with it):