Curious... If you make a post gold, is it because it's private information, don't want others to see you started it or otherwise? I see a lot of gold posts that are things I wouldn't personally make gold so I often wonder why they are.
Curious... If you make a post gold, is it because it's private information, don't want others to see you started it or otherwise? I see a lot of gold posts that are things I wouldn't personally make gold so I often wonder why they are.
pear / 1998 posts
I've started 30 threads and I've made 4 gold. They all had identifying information in them, so I wanted to keep them a little harder to find (even though I realize nothing I post on the internet is private).
persimmon / 1343 posts
I often wonder this too. I don't have gold but I will see gold posts with questions in the title that I could answer or contribute to and I just wonder why they made it gold haha.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
I make posts that are a little more personal gold.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
I rarely make anything gold. 3 out of the 104 threads I've started were gold - 1 was when I was gifted gold, 1 was about tattoos so I thought some people may not feel comfortable, 3rd was a TMI question.
coconut / 8472 posts
I think the only gold thread I've ever started was when my DH sent his boss a link to my nursery thread. But usually my threads are pretty boring stuff, like looking for advice for a certain issue. Not a lot of need for privacy on things like what to do with your baby so that you can take a shower .
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
I tend to make posts gold if I'm going to be talking about family, friends, Hubs, or I think the answers might be personal to other people.
I've also started making more of my posts regarding Xander, daycare, myself, etc. gold simply as a precaution.
bananas / 9229 posts
I just checked... I've made 3 out of 143 threads gold. 1 dealing with TTC and a new job (since I hadn't given notice yet and my previous boss knew about me on HB...), 1 titled "you named your baby what?!" in case any IRL friends were on here (LOL) and 1 about recurring dreams when I was having weird dreams about an ex. Nothing that good... I post more about my CM and AF publicly than anything, LOL!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@snowjewelz: @LindsayInNY: How do you check how many of your threads are gold?
pineapple / 12526 posts
Only when it's got photos of me or C or the information is on the personal side.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@Adira: I scrolled through the posts started by me ti see which has the gold tag... lol!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@snowjewelz: haha, okay, that was time consuming to do!
74 of 415 threads have been gold... I think I vent too much.
pineapple / 12793 posts
I make personal things gold.
Like in-law venting, personal tmi stuff, anything that would embarrass a grown up LO, photos.
I don't make too many gold threads and agree that sometimes things are gold and I don't understand why.
papaya / 10473 posts
I figure that if people pay for it, they can use it however they see fit.
watermelon / 14467 posts
I've made 8 threads gold. Some are vents, work-related, and one was where I started a thread with pictures of sleeping babies and I figured people wouldn't want to post a picture in a non-gold thread.
There are definitely some threads that are gold that I think shouldn't be.
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
I make a thread gold if it's something more personal to me. I'm glad the option exists!
kiwi / 714 posts
I (rather stupidly) made my username super googleable , so because of that any posts regarding family stuff/personal issues are gold.
Some of the stuff I've seen made gold doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@lauraeabel: You can get your username changed if you want! Just request it on the Help page (
pomelo / 5607 posts
Anything that's about family I make gold, though that's rare. And occasionally I will if it's something I haven't told family about yet, like if I were to get pregnant again and wasn't ready to announce it. I don't know if any of them ever get on here, but I'd be fairly easy to identify from my picture (it's part of my logo from my Etsy shop, which they've all seen), so I'd rather not have to worry about it.
I also do sometimes for things that are more controversial. It doesn't really make sense given that HB doesn't allow anonymous comments anyway, but sometimes it seems safer to just limit the number of people who can see it.
grapefruit / 4089 posts
I've made 2 of 26 threads gold... one was personal, and one involved locations of a bunch of bees. Going forward, I think that anything containing identifying information / pictures / anything personal, I would make gold just for that added bit of protection.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
Pictures of my house or me & my husband.
(Some) family or IL stuff.
Stuff that I haven't shared IRL or worked through in my head ie followed by
pomegranate / 3845 posts
@Boheme: I agree. This is why I make a lot of stuff gold, I paid for it, may as well get my money out of it. I realize that anyone with a credit card could buy gold and read everything but it's at least one small additional layer of privacy.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
Photo, personal, ttc, relationship are all of the recent gold post topics ive made.
I also use gold if I think more users will be more open to sharing on personal topics.
clementine / 927 posts
Lol! I finally figured out what IRL means! All this time I thought it might be some other online community. Thanks @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: I'm such a ditz.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@Leah: ha ha, acronyms don't always make sense until one day they do
papaya / 10473 posts
@Applesandbananas: I don't remember any specific guidance when it was created, but I'm guessing everyone feels differently about the kinds of things they want to openly share, so that accounts for the wide range in gold posts. It doesn't bother me when someone posts something seemingly innocuous to me in gold, because it might not be to that person... And vice versa.
coconut / 8234 posts
I only make really personal things with identifying information or sensitive issues gold. I'm pretty much an open book.
I remember one day opening HB and seeing that most of the threads on the first page of the boards were gold and the majority of those did not seem to me to be really personal. I read through them expecting something juicy or deep or something to cure my boredom but it wasn't so.
I'm a gold user but I could see how that could be such a turnoff to HB as a non-gold member to see threads that have rather innocuous questions that could be helpful to other moms set to gold. Then again, it might not be a turn-off, it might just make people say, "meh. really no point in getting gold, I'm not missing anything special!"
I bought gold to support HB the first time and was gifted gold the second time. It's been helpful to me, especially with the bad nanny situation I had. I guess that's the beauty of buying gold, it's your prerogative what you post and whether or not you are helping the community as a whole or getting help for yourself.
pomegranate / 3331 posts
When I ask a question and give a lot of background about my lo, I make it gold. Mostly so it's not googleable. So the question itself might be "how many times a day does your lo eat?" But the post contains details about her medical history that I don't want to share with everyone who googles how often a baby should eat. Stupid example, but you get the point
papaya / 10570 posts
I make posts Gold for a variety of reasons.
1) I'm going to vent about someone (often my poor husband!) and I want to minimize the risk of them finding the post and reading what I think of them in that moment.
2) The post contains personal(ish) info that, together, is quite specific to me and I want to minimize the risk of being discovered here - and a workmate reading about my cervical mucous.
3) I know I'm being a massive twat about something and I don't want to read about what a twat I am on GOMI the next day.
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