What kinds of items did you research throughout your pregnancy? I mean for stuff you purchased, like strollers and carseats, and also just in general, like breastfeeding, etc. I'm making a list to pass the time
What kinds of items did you research throughout your pregnancy? I mean for stuff you purchased, like strollers and carseats, and also just in general, like breastfeeding, etc. I'm making a list to pass the time
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
I bought Baby Bargains and seriously read it cover to cover. I then read the parts I wanted to know about again and again until it was stuck in my head what I should/shouldn't get. I've tried to stay away from Dr. Google during the pregnancy and I'll just call the OB if I have questions about pain or other feelings.
If you call this research, I bought and read Happiest Baby on the Block and will probably read that again when we get closer to birth. It's a great book even if you don't end up following it to a T.
I used friends and co-workers for research when it came to hospitals and doctors, as well as car seats and breast pumps. I think word of mouth is so important, to me, it's as important as reading up on reviews of products.
I haven't allowed myself to research "labor and delivery" yet. I'm still kind of scared of that and will probably wait until we have our class to learn about it.
coconut / 8234 posts
@mediagirl: I also bought Baby Bargains and relied on it (and Amazon reviews) heavily for creating my registry.
I've researched: tests during pregnancy, round ligament pain, stretching & exercises, natural child birth, what to bring with you to hospital/birth center, must haves & don't needs for baby registry, vaccination schedules, best breast pumps, breastfeeding, hypnosis for childbirth, baby wearing, best lightweight stroller for city dwellers, I've watched over 30 natural births and read hundreds of birth stories.
There's probably more I'm forgetting...I like to be prepared
coconut / 8299 posts
I did alot of research on sleep training and breastfeeding. I read at least 4 or 5 books regarding sleep. And I attended a few breastfeeding classes. In terms of baby gear, I just asked my friends for their advice and suggestions, which worked better for me than going online.
My husband and I also attended a few of the classes offered by the hospital, which we're REALLY glad we did. We were able to meet other future parents in the area which was nice.
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
I read a lot about birth, the history of it, how it has changed, that kind of thing. I didn't focus too much on a specific method.
I also read Baby Bargains, even though we're in Europe and didn't use the majority of the products as they're different. I did a ton of research on car seats and strollers but still made some mistakes, it's inevitable.
I wish I would have spent more time reading about baby sleep habits...I was very unprepared and really thought all babies sleep all of the time...umm, mine didn't, and remains a challenging sleeper.
persimmon / 1427 posts
I researched a bunch of things (and am still reseraching):
Registry items - I asked my Mom friends, read online reviews, and read baby bargains.
Cloth diapers - asked friends, read online reviews, and visited a cloth diaper store.
Sleep training - asked friends and currently reading books and watching Happiest Baby on the Block (everyone has said read about sleep training before baby comes because after baby comes you are too sleep deprived to read anything).
Parenting - asked friends and currently reading books.
Classes - we're taking classes on labor and delivery, infant care, breast feeding, and infant CPR.
Daycare - asked friends and coworkers, toured daycares, researched online.
eggplant / 11824 posts
I have just begun researching products. Its seriously overwhelming (every product has someone who thinks its “the best” or “the safest” etc.) and wading through the options is difficult and time consuming. Amazon reviews make it easier, somewhat.
Once you are pregnant and have your OB, they should be able to tell you which hospital(s) they partner/work with, and then you can start seeing what classes and options the hospitals offer.
Daycare: several of the daycares I’ve called (at 21 weeks pregnant) already have waiting lists past when our LO is due, so start the search early. One resource I’ve used for researching daycares is to contact your state’s licensing board and see what state licenses and accreditations they offer. That department should also be able to tell you how many (if any) and the substance of complaints filed with specific daycares. Our state has a certain state specific accreditation program, and you qualify for an additional state tax break/credit if you send your child to one of the highest rated daycares. Additionally, the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) has a super accreditation program, where all the caregivers in NAEYC approved daycares must have early childhood education backgrounds and other children specific education and training, instead of just whomever the daycare wants to hire. You can find NAEYC accredited daycares in your area on their website.
squash / 13199 posts
I research a lot
Baby gear- such as cribs, dressers, changing tables, tubs, swings etc I researched this by reading lots of reviews on sites like amazon, walmart and google.
Cloth diapers- got a lot of information from weddingbee and other cloth diapering sites
Natural birth vs medicated.- I've watched a few documentaries and I am currently reading two books on the bradley method
pear / 1965 posts
Oh my! I am not even PG yet but just hearing different topics and what not on here from all you wonderful ladies gets me so interested I have researched soooo much it seems already! I always have another window open when I am on here to look something up if I dont know.
kiwi / 537 posts
Baby gear, did a ton of reading of books and reviews. I also started my registry early (also I registered under a pseudo name so that I could work at it as I made final decisions, etc. I then changed it to our real last name closer to the date) to this day I still get double coupons one with each of the different last names I used.
Read a few books and attended a class on breastfeeding.
Took a Labor/Delivery Class.
Took Recommendations for a pediatrician from friends and family.
honeydew / 7968 posts
so far, i only did extensive research on baby registry items. i need to get going on other items! eek!
GOLD / wonderful grape / 20289 posts
I was in denial that in the end id have a baby. So I researched things that had to do with pregnancy and laborious and delivery. Also fun things like stuff for the registry and baby gear.
I wish I would have focused more on the actual baby and parenting, because now I don't have time to.
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