So I live in TN and my whole family and my in-laws are in MA. I'm supposed to fly home in two weeks for my baby shower. As some of you may know I was in the ER last week with some pre term contractions. They seem to be under control with medicine and modified bed rest (basically I'm allowed to go to work but that's it. For evenings and weekends I'm on bed rest). I had a Dr's appointment today and I asked about flying home for the shower. My doctor basically said she would leave it up to me, but she didn't feel comfortable saying that I can absolutely go because I'm still so close to the episode of contractions and she would hate to have something happen in the air. I could tell that part of her hesitation was just covering her own butt (she even said, "I can't tell you it's fine for you to go and then have you sue me if something bad happens"). But I also feel like if she's hesitating at all I don't want to chance it because if something bad did happen I would never forgive myself. I do feel like if we're going to cancel we should do it sooner rather than later to give people the courtesy of plenty of notice so they can decide to either not buy a gift, or to have one shipped. I would hate for lot of people to buy gifts and have them wrapped and ready to go and then we cancel last minute and they have to figure out what to do with their present. I know everyone will understand that baby and my health come first, but I still want to be as considerate as possible. What would you do?? HELP!