Just for fun......what unexpected/ unusual/surprising thing was cleared out at your local store?
Just for fun......what unexpected/ unusual/surprising thing was cleared out at your local store?
persimmon / 1272 posts
This past Sunday....my grocery store was clear out of cake mixes. Didn't see that coming!
nectarine / 2460 posts
Yeast! I’ve had it on my grocery list the entire time we’ve been home but DH has yet to have success in finding it.
persimmon / 1381 posts
Chicken nuggets, frozen pancakes, and pancake mix. So 75% of my children’s diet 🤦♀️
persimmon / 1495 posts
@JennyPenny: yes! I haven't been able to find yeast at all in a few weeks. Oh, and at Target on Friday there was no peanut butter or rice at all. They must not have restocked yet that day because I kind of thought we were past that point.
persimmon / 1390 posts
Frozen fruits and veggies were really low in the beginning. Food supplies have bounced back now. Even though it’s a month in, the cleaning supplies are completely wiped out still. Like, go ahead and hoard everything—just realize you’re not leaving all the other dirty people anything to clean with!
cherry / 150 posts
Flour and frozen peas. And all cleaning supplies/toilet paper. I should be ok on all of those for a little while but the toilet paper one is starting to annoy me.
clementine / 911 posts
We haven't been able to find any toilet paper or paper towels for at least 3-4 weeks. Also, eggs, ground turkey, and frozen veggies have been either completely out of stock or very low stock.
pomegranate / 3973 posts
I did online shopping/pickup at Walmart for the first time, so I'm not sure if it's just because of that, or the store was out-out - but I couldn't get any of the Easter candy I ordered (jelly beans, chocolate bunnies, whopper eggs), asparagus, shredded mozzarella cheese, kiwi, fruit loops, hot dog buns, canned chicken, or big marshmallows.
And what's up with the limit of 2 on milk?! That will only last us 3 days and we're trying to shop LESS! (not to mention I keep seeing how farmers are having to dump milk).
grapefruit / 4361 posts
The milk part is incredibly frustrating, same boat here.
We have been going to the local school to pick up free breakfast & lunch to go. It has helped us spread out our grocery shopping trips, we get 4 individual size cartons of milk (2 kids.)
nectarine / 2690 posts
Gosh, all of the above? Lol I finally found cake mix, dry pinto beans, jimmy dean hot sausage, and kraft macaroni and cheese at walmart on friday morning. My daughters burthday is nect week and all she wants is "strawberry cake" and presents (Shes turning 4) so i was happy to find the cake mix finally since we can't have a birthday party.
And my husband said yesterday they're urging people to not go to the grocery store for the next 2 weeks, since that's when AZ is supposed to peak. I, too, will be out of milk long before then.
persimmon / 1064 posts
@josina: yes I think they’re in the verge of having to dump/waste milk products all over the county. There shouldn’t be a limit
I haven’t been able to find any flour or yeast. Peanut butter. Rice. Dried beans. Bottled water. And bananas.
pear / 1992 posts
Stores are still out of frozen veggies in my area, and during the last online order they were out of whole milk entirely. I was able to sub for 2% thankfully but that was surprising.
Our stores are limiting to 2 each on a ton of products to try and keep shelves stocked for more people. Milk gallons, rice, bread, certain dry or canned goods, cleaning and sanitizing products, etc.
We are trying to do a grocery order every 2 weeks and I'm re-working my meal planning to use the fresh fruits and veggies during that first week after delivery and canned/frozen stuff we have saved up during the second week. It's working ok so far even if I'm having major sticker shock based on the upcharge for items through delivery and the final total when getting so much at once. But, I'm very thankful that the grocery delivery service even exists and that we are in a position to use it.
I did a Target Shipt order last week to get things for Easter and thanked our shopper for being the Easter Bunny's assistant this year. I couldn't get any of the Easter candy or goodies that were still on my list through our grocery store or Amazon.
persimmon / 1367 posts
I've been finding that time of day matters for finding things. Every time I get out early in the morning - like 8am - to go shopping (I'm going weekly) I haven't had any issues. But I've had to do a few later in the day trips for prescriptions and the stores have been very picked over.
Predictably, cleaning supplies have been the exception to this. And for some reason bananas were completely wiped out 3 weeks in a row, but were back this past weekend.
clementine / 787 posts
@Rocker2014: I agree that time matters. Our stores are doing a lot better at stocking most stuff - other than cleaning supplies, paper products and flour and yeast. But the best selection is when one of us goes in the morning.
For those looking for yeast - I note that if you are comfortable going out (I’m in an area where the peak was reached a week ago so we are on the decline that has helped me feel better) the stores that are the cash and carry selling bulk for restaurants - in our area has yeast. I’ve always baked bread and made my own pizza dough so yeast is something I have. As luck has it - I ran out right in tome for the runs on yeast (never thought I’d type that) but our local cash and carry store had a nice selection - in a larger quantity so I picked it up to restock my normal supply. Just wanted to share as it might help someone else looking for it.
pea / 18 posts
Yep, yeast and flour are in scarce supply here. Also, beans and lentils of every variety, dry or canned, and oatmeal was hard to find. No problem with milk or eggs after the initial week or so of panic. This last week, I noticed that all the chocolate chips were sold out! Cookies anyone???
pomegranate / 3973 posts
@Orange Lily: lol, we've actually bought 3 bags of chocolate chips since this started! Baking way too much.
pea / 18 posts
@josina: I would be baking cookies if I could just get my hands on some! I have some baking chocolate that I could also cut up into chunks if things get really desperate.
persimmon / 1390 posts
If your store is limiting milk, you should report them to your regional chapter of the American Dairy Association. You can email or call. These store limits are a major reason behind milk dumping right now. That plus reduced demand from schools and restaurants, and naturally increased supply because its spring and cows make more milk in spring.
You can’t really do Instacart here right now and haven’t been able to for 3 weeks. So when I say only cleaning supplies and paper towels are wiped out, that’s because we’ve been going to the store (we usually do Instacart in regular times). I just heard Wegmans employees are going to be working alongside Instacart to fulfill orders so that should help. They’re only rolling it out a few stores at a time though so I’ll wait a bit to try because they will likely be overwhelmed.
persimmon / 1130 posts
Most things have bounced back here. I agree I haven’t been able to find yeast, but I still have some, so I hope by the time I need more it’s back in stock.
My brother lives across the country and couldn’t find toilet paper anywhere. I shipped him some and he was so excited. 2020 is a crazy year.
pomelo / 5573 posts
Weirdly, the only thing I had a problem finding today was gummy bears, a special request from my six year old.
pomegranate / 3127 posts
Garlic, onion, lemons and frozen meat. But this was only the first week that people realized they need to stock up. I went shopping the week after that and found all of these things no problem.
kiwi / 556 posts
The flour thing is nuts to me. Thankfully (??) I was freaking out about this in February and bought two extra bags of flour, so we’ve got an okay amount., plus we always have GF flour on hand for school bake sales. Which you can’t make bread out of but does make decent pancakes and waffles.
I noticed recently stores are out of frozen pizza and butter. And Target’s craft/school supplies section was EMPTY. I usually get art supplies at the dollar store so paying non-dollar store prices for things like play doh, paint, chalk, paper, stickers and glue really makes me depressed.
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@newlypregnantlady: the craft issue is crazy! I’ve been looking for more cheap acrylic paint I can pick up or ship and the price is crazy. Also it has been hard to find painters tape because everyone is doing that chalk mosaic!
@JennyLayneAZ: i really wanted hot sausage for an Easter breakfast casserole but couldn’t find any!
I had to laugh today - I went as soon as the store was open to regular people (since they’re all doing the vulnerable populations hour first) and they had decent produce stock overall but the entire avocado table they had was empty. What are people doing with that many avocados?? Also it’s funny to me that it’s been impossible to buy rotini. You can get other pasta types but never rotini!
I managed to buy tp which felt like a big win - things are still fairly wiped out around us for any staples or cleaning or paper products. I really wonder where people are putting all this stuff ...
grapefruit / 4584 posts
@LemonJack: What's even crazier than shipping toilet paper is people trying to steal shipped toilet paper - I ordered a high back booster last week and the bottom of the box had been opened when it got to me - I think someone thought it was toilet paper.
pomelo / 5258 posts
@bhbee: Just a guess on Rotini but I know my food manufacturing plants have been replenishing select items and skipping those with longer changeover times to increase output in general. It's probably easier to keep running spaghetti.
clementine / 920 posts
@newlypregnantlady: I bought extra flour and sugar early on too. I figured I would need to do some more baking and I was right.
Our store was out of marshmallows for a few weeks and Pillsbury cinnamon rolls. We haven't found toilet paper yet but are also avoiding going into the store and I find it frustrating that it is not available for curbside pick up anywhere, like it isn't an option.
clementine / 828 posts
The stores here are out of different things for different trips. They have been most consistently out of paper goods, fresh herbs and garlic, and fresh staples. Frozen and canned foods have generally been fine.
I have had luck buying toilet paper on Amazon. They don't always have it, but if you are persistent in checking they have some within a day or so of when I start looking. They always have plenty of commercial toilet paper if anyone is desperate.
kiwi / 662 posts
Lima beans, oddly?!
We don't have Istacart here but we have Shipt, and we realized that their app/site must not be keeping up very well, because it would say the store was out of a TON of stuff but if we went to the store ourselves (which we did when we couldn't get a delivery time), everything we wanted was in stock. We would've gotten a tiny percentage of our shopping list if we'd stuck with ordering through them.
clementine / 874 posts
Other than cleaning supplies, the only thing our store has been short on is the dried snap peas! They're practically a staple in my house for my picky kids so we've been experimenting with quinoa and lentil crisps/chips instead.
cherry / 236 posts
We've been ordering grocery delivery through Shipt at Target (yay!). Pro tip-- there's a little section where you can ask for additional items that aren't listed online, and that's where I ask for toilet paper.
My Shipt shopper today said his weirdest out of stock items have been olives and hair dye.
persimmon / 1272 posts
@LadyDi: Oh no!!!
@ilovepie: @krispi: I haven't seen any TP in the last 3 weeks of shopping either! I have picked up my one box limit of tissues....just in case. But we switched over to wash cloths for pee only to stretch out our TP supply. I have no qualms about using cloth for pee....but I really don't want to get to the point of using cloth for adult poop!!
@JennyLayneAZ: Glad you found cake mix!!!
@lindseykaye: My grocery store is limiting frozen veggies - it has made me realize how my two kids can down an entire steamers bag of peas or corn in one meal! We have had a lot more raw carrots recently at meals - hahaha.
@bhbee: Definitely a win for the TP!!
This was interesting to read through.....some common themes and some unique ones
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@Corduroy: oh interesting! That makes sense. I have about 1-2 last boxes I’m saving for a special occasion
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@PinkElephant: someone in my neighborhood had their car broken into because they left hand sanitizer in the cup holder ... that was the only thing the person took!!
grapefruit / 4466 posts
I guess I must be in the extreme minority, but TP would not be one of the things I'd be super worried about running out of if we are self-isolating, or the apocalypse comes or whatever. I feel like the peri bottle they give you postpartum gets things much cleaner down there anyways, and if I was less lazy I'd use it instead of tp 🤷♀️ Like, if you tried to bath yourself by wiping down with tp instead of water, you wouldn't get clean. TP is not getting your butt that clean either... I wish I had one of those fancy Japanese toilets that obliviates the need...
persimmon / 1385 posts
@periwinklebee: I asked for this for Christmas. It might be one of my favorite presents ever! I completely agree with your toilet paper opinion lol.
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