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What was your favorite part of your baby's birth?

  1. FarmWifeGina

    pear / 1571 posts

    @MrsScallop: Baha, right before I really started pushing with my second baby, I kept moaning about how I had to poop. So not a pretty sight, lol.

  2. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    I'd have to say all of it as well - it was an a,axing birth experience and I couldn't have asked for better! If I had to pick a favourite part though, it would be watching her come out through use of a mirror, and the moment DH said it's a girl (we were TG). The skin to skin right afterwards was also completely magical. Really, I loved it all and didn't even mind the stitches.... And judging by some of the comments here, I'm really glad they don't massage the uterus afterwards here - ouch!

  3. alleyflowers

    cherry / 116 posts

    I was under general anesthesia during my birth - and am sad that I didn't get to experience that moment of seeing my little one enter the world (that being said, I had the most pain free labor ever since I was out for all of it!).

    But my favorite part of the experience was seeing him in my arms and what he looked like! DH is Korean and I'm not going to lie... I kept google imaging pics of "half-asian babies" to get an idea of how cute he would be! Of course - he's even cuter than I expected!

  4. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    Making eye contact with her! She was so tiny but had the most humongous blue eyes and she was so stunned and her eyes were WIDE and she looked at me like "What the hell????" It took a min before she cried, but I think about that look on her face and those massive blue eyes every day:)

  5. heartonastring

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    Hearing her cry for the first time. Most amazing sound I've ever heard.

  6. Honeybee

    pomelo / 5178 posts

    Both times it was the announcement of the baby's sex. With DD, the doctor forgot to announce and I had to ask if the baaby was a boy or a girl. But I'll never forget that moment when the nurse told us she was a girl and I looked at my husband and said, "We have a daughter!" With my son, I heard the doctor whisper to DH that he was a boy, and then DH announced loudly, "It's a boy!" Totally amazing, both times.

  7. Weagle

    coconut / 8498 posts

    I pushed for 2 hours and 41 minutes, of which the last 15 were "you've got 15 minutes or we're getting our the vacuum." Right before my last push DH and I looked at each other with a "we're freaking excited/this is crazy/aahhhh" look. I've never seen him look so proud and excited as he was right before LO was born. It was awesome.

  8. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    When I was absolute,y positively, 110% certain that I COULD NOT PUSH ANYMORE (he was crowning, even with an epi that shizz was painful), and DH said to me, "Baby, look! He's here!" and I looked down and our son was already half out of me -- and already crying lol. And then I was so stunned I forgot to keep pushing and the midwife reminded me we still had to get him ALL of the way out. Haha.

  9. emg86

    persimmon / 1153 posts

    Hearing my husband's excitement over how much hair she had & hearing him cry when I pushed her out. I also loved the moment she was immediately placed on my chest, she opened her eyes looked around the room and then looked right into my eyes before letting out her first cry. I'm so glad that moment was captured, I love looking at this picture over and over.


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