DD will just be under 3 mos when this happens.

Also this is only for 2 days a week; my mom & husband have her on other days.

And money doesn't matter as much as having the best arrangement for DD!

1. Go to SIL's place 20min away (on DH's way to work). A nanny & my MIL are there along with her 2 kids. One is a 2 yr old and the other is same age as DD.
Pro - free
Con - not sure if 2 ppl can handle 3 kids

2. Hire nanny
Pro - no traveling, convenient for DD to be right where she is, get full attention
Con - need to build trust, need back up options if nanny gets sick, has time off, etc

3. Daycare
Pro - daycare is structured, can help her socialize and learn to adapt to diff people/environment
Con - Germs, gotta pack all her stuff, she doesn't get 100% attention all day long