My best friend is due with her third in a few weeks and I’m having a hard time with a gift. She has made beautiful handmade blankets for my babies and... that’s not my skill set . Her husband is also a professional chef so I feel a like me bringing them dinners might not be as helpful.
I had my third this spring and when my husband went back to work he gave me a big box full of things to help me get through those difficult moments with 3 kids under 5. My favorite candy, matchbox cars, stencil kits, squirt guns, a kids dvd - just things to pull out when I needed to bribe or occupy the big kids’ attention.
I’m thinking i’ll make two bags - one of things for Mom and one of things to entertain her 5yo girl and 2.5yo boy this winter while she’s nursing / caring for the baby.
What would you include?