WAHM - That I don't have to use a public restroom. I have issues!
WAHM - That I don't have to use a public restroom. I have issues!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
WOHM - That I don't have to change dirty diapers all day and I get to quiet time to eat breakfast and lunch and I can have adult conversations.
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
WOHM: I get to wear all the clothes I have been buying! And rhe guy that makes my sandwich memorized my standing order!
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
WOHM: Serious answer: my paycheck/401K, fun answer: going out to lunch (although I'm currently eating a PBJ at my desk, sooo......)
pomegranate / 3895 posts
WOHM: I love my job. I get to dress like an adult and have adult conversations. And the look on DD's face when she sees me at daycare at the end of the day
coconut / 8430 posts
I've done both so here is mine:
WOHM - I get to eat my lunch in peace everyday & eating lunch with DH a few times a week without having to worry about what LO is up to.
SAHM - Spending lots of time snuggling with LO in the morning when she is happiest.
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
WAHM-flexibility, no commute, saving on gas, more time to do stuff after work
WOHM-adult interaction, more motivation to wear cute clothes, paychecks.
coconut / 8430 posts
@heartonastring: That's a good one too! I love when LO comes running for me and yelling "mama!!!!!!" It's one of the only times she will willingly give me a big hug.
GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts
WOHM: Getting my own paycheck & the peace of mind that comes with it.
honeydew / 7295 posts
best part staying home it's kind of obvious but its spending time with my son! I'm also happy when I don't have to go outside first thing on crappy mornings in the winter. but I feel bad for my husband there.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
WOHM: adult conversation, alone time, and R's face when I pick her up.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
WAHM : working in PJs, all the snacks at my disposal. Lunch in the backyard.
SAHM : more time with LO! Our daily walks with doggie. Avoiding the get out of daycare dinnertime rush!
WOHM: adult interaction, life outside of a mom, getting dressed every day.
pomegranate / 3872 posts
SAHM: being able to decide what we do every day, and also being able to do nothing if we don't feel like it. I really like not having to adhere to someone else's schedule (other than LO and DH's!)
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
WOHM: paycheck, use my degree
SAHM: time with LO! No daycare drama.
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
WOHM: getting things done uninterrupted and without worry on what DS is up to/getting into.
squash / 13764 posts
SAHM: don't have to rush anywhere in the mornings, getting to be outside as much as possible in nice weather.
grapefruit / 4187 posts
WOHM: honestly being able to use the internet all day without being screamed at lol
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
WOHM: my child running up to me like it's her JOB when she sees me when I get home. Yesterday I met up with my husband and daughter at the mall and she ran down the mall walkway with a big fat smile on her face and slammed into me to hug me. That was the best.
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
I'm kind of a SAHM but I also watch another LO in her house so I am not at home... Not sure what that makes me.
But, my favourite bit is I get to see two gorgeous toddlers having fun all day long, they are so cute together and so fun. I feel so lucky to share that with them, especially when I see how much DH and the other little girl's parents wish they could have seen them during a particular experience.
eggplant / 11716 posts
WOHM: hmm......I guess the pay?
WOHM on summer break: EVERYTHING! Having so much more time to cook dinners, being able to take LO to play dates, the park, or to mommy happy hours. Going to Target or the Mall with LO. Actually cooking real breakfasts. Knowing LO is taking great naps and is generally well-rested (so much improvement from daycare). Seeing LO master concepts she doesn't/didn't at daycare like sippy and straw cups, cruising. Having LO not be sick all the time. Not having to wake up at 5:30 for work. Seeing my mommy friends a lot more often.
Such a very long list.
persimmon / 1313 posts
WAHM: Being able to work wherever I want, whenever I want. No one's office is open at 4:30 am when I'm feeling most productive.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
WOHM: the paycheck. It's the only reason I'm working while also in school. haha! hopefully my feelings will change once I start the career I want..
honeydew / 7091 posts
WOHM: Quiet time and being able to be productive in a timely fashion. I looove the time I spend with L, but it is so nice to be able to get something done without a million breaks.
pineapple / 12793 posts
@travelgirl1: Rub it in why don't you! Watching A&L grow up together has been such a joy.
SAHM: morning snuggles and long walks with LO and our pup.
WOHM: $, adult conversation, I like my work.
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
SAHM- flexibility for travel, family time, etc & spending more quality time with LO.
WOHM- only did this briefly but adult interaction & having my own goals throughout the day
pineapple / 12526 posts
SAHM- Im there to see everything.
WOHM/Student- The time away lets me not take the time I have at home for granted. I appreciate it more.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
SAHM- our slow start to the day- early, but we have a nice relaxing snuggly nursing session in bed first thing. And being able to prioritize her sleep/nap schedule is pretty nice.
I'm very thankful to have a bunch of mom friends nearby though, because it can get a little tiring being home alone with her all day.
pomegranate / 3401 posts
SAHM - no commute in the AM and being able to go places without worrying about traffic (I lived in LA for 10 years so this is a big deal!)
And getting to see everything and not missing anything....
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
WOHM - The adult interaction and co-worker camaraderie, dressing up and not looking like a frump. And of course the paycheck, and benefits.
WAHM - The flexibility and how it provides the chance for some work/life balance while getting paid. So nice to not rush to get ready in the morning or worry about the drive to work, and also nice to have dinner ready by the time the kids get home, or doing a couple loads of laundry in-between meetings.
SAHM - Spending more quality time with the kids! And so many of the fun events (story time at the library, meetups, etc.) fall during work hours. It would also be easier to take kids to their doctors, dentist appointments... have them participate in swim, gymnastics type lessons without sacrificing family time on the weekends.
papaya / 10570 posts
WOHM - Time away from my LO in the adult world keeps me sane and means I mostly enjoy the time i do have with my daughter.
persimmon / 1178 posts
WOHM- I actually love that she goes to preschool/daycare. It makes us feel like we have help in teaching her all of the basic concepts and then some. This may sound silly to some of you but one day at about 18months old, LO took all of her dinner dishes and put them in the sink after eating. We didn't teach her that. Honestly, it just never occurred to us. But it turns out they do it a daycare. Knowing she is being supported in her skill development by multiple people, that it doesn't just rest on me, makes me relax and enjoy our time together even more.
SAHM- I didn't really do this but I had a long maternity leave by US standards (4 months) and I loved having the time to just be with her, to just be 'mama'.
nectarine / 2220 posts
SAHM - (One year maternity leave) She's best in the mid-morning and so much fun.
WOHM to be in 2 weeks - LO consistently poops at 11am. I likely will only change a poopy diaper twice a week, maybe even once if DH does one of them on the weekend.
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
SAHM - obviously I love spending my days with my LO but the best part of being a SAHM is being able to get stuff done during the weekday. We're not rushing in the evenings or the weekends to get all of our shopping, errands, car maintenance, laundry, etc done. I can take care of a lot of stuff during the week and our weekends and evenings are much more relaxed. DH loves not having to go to costco or the grocery store on the weekends. I mean, sometimes we do run errands on the weekends but they aren't so jam packed - we go for our 1-2 items we need and get out and it's so easy. DH and I are much less stressed now
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
Pt wahm pt wohm
I have the flexibility of seeing ds during my work day and commuting time saved that is spent doing errands instead of on the wknd.
I have time in an office with other adults and get out of the house. And being greeted joyfully by ds when I get home.
I wouldnt trade my schedule for anything!
pea / 22 posts
WAHM : Working in my nightgown, Breakfast out-of-doors, Listening to interesting radio talk shows while working, and being available whenever packages are to be delievered or for any maintenance or repair issues.
SAHM : Making the decisions concerning my LO all myself! No one to say not to buy that or register my LO for that. Talking at tucking-in time.
WOHM: An excuse to buy new clothes, expanding my horizons interacting with other adults, and the feeling of going home to my LO who misses me so.
pomelo / 5093 posts
SAHM - total freedom to design our lives. We have just the most fun, most active, greatest life ever. I'll really miss it someday when she's in school and I go back to work.
pear / 1861 posts
WOHM- The paycheck that pays for our bills and vacations once a year.
SAHM during the summer- Going to places when it isn't crowded like it normally is on Saturdays and actually ENJOYING yourself, going running at 8am instead of 7pm, being lazy and not doing anything all day if we don't want to!
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