I always have very vivid and strange dreams and I can usually remember them, but I've had two lately that have been head-scratchers.

First, about a week ago, I had a dream that my sister and I had transformed into bald eagles, and were flying, but my wings were getting tired. We had to fly over the Grand Canyon, and I was complaining about being so tired, and also not wanting to look down because I was scared of heights, and my sister the eagle was yelling at me to quit whining. I was worried about having a crash landing.

Then last night I had a dream that I had transformed into a duck, and was trying to swim/paddle upstream and keep up with my duck friends, but I couldn't do it, and ended up getting totally lost and running into an alligator that tried to eat me.

So in one week I've had two dreams that I turned into a bird and was tired as said bird. So strange. I tried looking up what it means to dream that you become a bird, but could only find things about what it means to dream about birds in general, not about actually being a bird.

What kind of strange dreams have you had? Any recurring themes? Or am I totally crazy?