Hellobee Boards


What's your stroller lineup right now?

  1. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    UBV and a Bob Revolution.

    I'm holding off on buying a double, I don't think we will need one. If we do I will likely get a double Bob revolution or a double city mini

  2. mrsjazz

    coconut / 8234 posts

    City Mini
    Maclaren Techno
    Britax double stroller for our nanny share

    And we live in a tiny NYC apartment. Our nanny share is over at the end of the summer, looking forward to that large double stroller being out of the apartment!

  3. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    Kind of ridiculous at the moment, but DH doesn't really want me selling any until we know what LO#2 likes and which one LO#1 will sit in with a sibling.

    UB Vista, Orbit G2 Double Helix, UB G-Luxe, Single BOB

  4. Mrs. Coral

    clementine / 812 posts

    We have a City Mini that stays in my car for when we are out and about. We have a Bob Ironman that stays at home for walks/runs at home.

  5. Mrs.Lemondrop

    coffee bean / 28 posts

    We have the urbini omni, and it pretty much sucks. It was cheap though so I didn't expect much and we didn't really use it much until now. I'm thinking about getting a phil&ted navigator. I want something I can run with, and I like the ability to add/remove a second seat.

  6. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    City Mini GT double
    Maclaren Techno XT (single)
    Mothercare Nanu (single) for when we take both girls out and want them each in a single pram to navigate public transport, or other tight spaces.

    I'm fairly happy with our current lineup although I have a bit of a pram obsession and am constantly checking out other people's prams with envy! I'm too cheap to spend the money on the ones I'd really love though...

  7. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    @anonysquire: I can't believe your kids will sleep like that, SO cute!

    We have a single bob which is really only used when dd and grandma walk to the park, and a single maclaren triumph umbrella stroller which occasionally gets used at malls, zoo, etc. We're debating on a single stroller for lo2.

  8. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    Britax B-Agile and that's it!

  9. Reese

    pomegranate / 3521 posts


  10. erinpye

    pomegranate / 3706 posts

    A cheap sit and stand. I just sold our nearly-unused, less-than-a-year-old Mointain Buggy Duet. It was a really nice stroller, but my kids hate being in the stroller. I sold my single Bob also almost-unused. Even now I barely use the one we have. If only they'd sit happily in those things!

  11. babycanuck

    pomegranate / 3105 posts

    we purchased a used bugaboo from a neighbour and have a snap n go for the car seat

  12. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    at the moment I'm not using any strollers as my 3 year old likes to walk holding hands. I have a city mini gt that I used for long walks, and a bugaboo bee that I used for newborn/indoor walks. When Lo2 is born I'll use the bee again, either with the cocoon or with a maxi cosi capsule.

  13. chopsuey

    hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts

    We have a maclaren volo umbrella stroller that hasn't been used in over a year!
    We're keeping it for when we travel by air.

  14. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @plantains: they truly have the best customer service!

    Uppababy Vista and g-luxe. Getting the glider board for when LO2 arrives.

  15. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @Anagram: We have the exact same line up, as well we just added the contours options elite but since baby isn't due until August, it's stored in the basement and hasn't been used yet.

  16. jape14

    pear / 1586 posts

    We have an UppaBaby Vista and an UppaBaby G-Luxe (which we haven't used yet). I'm also on the lookout for a BOB of some variety for DH's Father's Day gift - he really wants a jogging stroller!

  17. Mrs.Pinecone316

    persimmon / 1316 posts

    We just have the city mini gt right now and as soon as she is old enough to go on jogs we will get a jogger.

  18. Greentea

    pomelo / 5678 posts

    Just my bugaboo cameleon! I'm a minimalist.

  19. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    We have a Baby Jogger City Elite as our single and a Mountain Buggy Duet for a double.

    I need to get a nice umbrella.

  20. matador84

    papaya / 10560 posts

    City mini gt double
    First years jet-has been an awesome umbrella stroller to keep in my car. Tons and tons of use with both kids and more to go
    Baby jogger single fit

  21. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    We have an Uppababy Vista, a (single) Bob, an Uppababy G Luxe, and a Joovy Ultralight Caboose Too (sit and stand). We're also adding in a universal glider board and I think the rumble seat for the vista.


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