How old was your LO when they could buckle or unbuckle a 5 pt harness? Or maybe they just never could until they moved to a high back booster?
My just turned 5 year old is in a britax frontier with the harness. She can buckle the chest clip but not the crotch buckle and has never really tried to unbuckle either. Next year the easiest drop off spot is on the side of a busy road, so it would be easiest if she could unbuckle herself and climb out on the passenger side. She is behind the driver and little sis is in a forward facing convertible behind the passenger seat. Getting her back in will be easier because I won’t be in a time crunch at pick up and can park in a lot further away. Just curious if it’s unrealistic to expect her to be able to get herself out. Also I’m not sure i really want her to know how sometimes...