I honestly can't remember when I packed a bag the other times!! I'm 35w and haven't done one yet. I probably should, but I feel like most of the clothes I would pack include things I wear (aka yoga pants!)
When did you pack a hospital bag?
I honestly can't remember when I packed a bag the other times!! I'm 35w and haven't done one yet. I probably should, but I feel like most of the clothes I would pack include things I wear (aka yoga pants!)
When did you pack a hospital bag?
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
37w maybe? I think I packed a few actual things but mostly just had a list so that no actual thought would be required at the time.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
When I was in labor.
ETA: Actually, like @bhbee: I had a few things packed, probably around 36/37 weeks (like take-home outfit and a nursing bra/tank that I didn't wear). But mostly I just had a list prepared so when I went into labor I could easily pack everything I needed.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@Adira: Same here, with #2!
With my first I had all the time in the world to pack; plus I ended up going into a scheduled induction so I really had plenty of time to get everything I needed/wanted.
With my second, labor started at 37 weeks and I was only able to direct DH to throw some essentials in and that was it. I figured if I needed anything else post birth he could bring after.
clementine / 769 posts
I think around 36/37 weeks even though we lived down the street from the hospital at the time. lol I will probably have my essentials packed for myself and my son around 37 weeks.
nectarine / 2018 posts
When I was in labor. To be fair I went in to labor at 36w2d. Thankfully I had already made and printed the lists for both of us, so DH was able to help a lot.
grapefruit / 4455 posts
38-39 weeks the first time but honestly I think people get a little weird about packing hospital bags. Maybe they're just excited. But it's not like you're there that long and you wear hospital gowns (well most people do anyway) so there's not THAT much to pack.
pear / 1521 posts
I don't recall to be honest but I do remember thinking that the items that I really wanted to make sure we brought were not things I could pack in advance. Like phone charger, my laptop (that I never used), camera and my toothbrush, etc. I just made a list so that my DH knew what things to pack if I was not able to help during labor. And despite it not being a lot of stuff on the list and being in the hospital for 5 nights we brought way too much stuff. Next time will definitely streamline!
@2littlepumpkins: Agreed, I think it's just baby excitement plus nesting.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
We packed a hour before we left the house. There really wasn't much we needed to pack/ remember, but I'm a less is more kind of person anyway. I don't remember, but I may have had some things already folded/ set aside.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@2littlepumpkins: haha I know. I don't really pack much except toiletries, phone charger, camera, outfit for baby, and an outfit change for me to go home in. While in the hospital I pretty much just wear a nightgown and my slippers and don't bother with a boppy or any other stuff for baby.
blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts
The first time, I think I packed some stuff around 34 weeks (but I knew I was delivering at 36) and then had a list of last minute stuff. The second time I really can't remember, but I feel like it was the night before my c-section. I definitely didn't take a ton of stuff, though, so it was easy enough.
nectarine / 2784 posts
Right before leaving- like you said most items to bring are things you use regularly.
I did set aside the baby items (going home outfit and a special hat) on a shelf in my closet a few weeks ahead so they'd be on hand when it was time to pack and go.
pomegranate / 3658 posts
I sort of packed around 37 weeks or so, but pretty much everything I knew I would need was stuff I actively use every day. So I wound up just making a list of things to toss in after I went into labor, which is what I did - packed while in early labor.
Also probably noteworthy, I used almost nothing I packed. Like barely opened the suitcase. Much more important was the back of snacks that DH packed.
pomegranate / 3438 posts
When I was in labor both times. I had a list so I wouldn't forget anything. Most of it was stuff I was still using (clothes and toiletries) so I didn't want to buy extras just to have it sit in a bag. I did make sure I bought extra chapstick and some nipple cream for the second birth, I hated the lanolin the hospital gave me the first time around.
apricot / 461 posts
I packed my first at 41w5d- the night before they were inducing me.
For my second, I never packed a bag. I ended up having him on my lunch break (I work at the hospital) at 38 weeks- we figured he would be late like his brother but he had other plans. Funny story, I didn't even have pants with me. I was wearing hospital issued scrubs (I was working in the surgery unit) and my personal clothes and purse were locked up in my locker. I literally had nothing with me except my phone and undergarments.
pineapple / 12566 posts
Around 35 weeks with my 2nd LO. I had a feeling I would deliver early and I did, she came just after 37 weeks.
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
I was the text book first timer, with the itemized spreadsheet containing 175,000 items. I had been putting things in there since about 24 weeks and finally was done with it at 32 weeks.
grape / 89 posts
I just thought about this too! I have no memory of when I did this for the other girls, but I am thinking of doing it in the next week this time (so around 36 weeks). It is also tricky because I don't have that many clothes, but it will be basic things like baby clothes, tolitries, a robe/slippers, chapstick!!, and something for me to wear home. I guess a list is most important so I will prioritize that. That said, my 2nd was born in 2.5 hours so I don't plan on having a lot of time during labor to be gathering things. Instead I plan on focusing on getting someone over to watch the girls while we rush across the city.
clementine / 935 posts
Not soon enough! My water broke at 35 weeks 6 days and I hadn't packed a bag yet. I was running around the house with a towel between my legs trying to throw things together.
pomegranate / 3375 posts
We had a homebirth, but I was an idiot and never thought to pack a bag in case (and it was even on my midwives' to-do list for us - we just spaced it). This time, we'll have it done by 37 weeks.
papaya / 10560 posts
Pretty sure with LO1 it was around 36 weeks or earlier, and I was way overpacked. With LO2 I went into labor spontaneously and quickly at 36 weeks and didn't even pack a bag at all! I ended up delivering and then DH packed some stuff for me to bring to the hospital the next day. It's amazing how much stuff you don't need...our hospital even provided me with slippers so I didn't have to walk around barefoot since I showed up at the hospital with no shoes.
I'll probably pack a bag extra early this time though, maybe 34 weeks and just leave it in my car based on my past delivery history.
pineapple / 12053 posts
37 weeks because i was going out of town, so we had the car seat installed as well in case i had to deliver out of town. didn't have to do that, but that was my motivation those times!
honeydew / 7622 posts
I made a list and slowly packed. Good thing I had a list because I went in because I was not feeling well and ended up having an emergency induction(could not leave the hospital) so DH had to pack from my list.
persimmon / 1196 posts
After my water broke. It drove my husband crazy, but I had to keep explaining to him that I only had so many clothes that fit - I couldn't have two days' worth sitting in a bag for weeks! I did have a few things for baby in the bag ahead of time, and a general list of what I wanted to remember.
nectarine / 2973 posts
LO1: when I was in labor. This is also when DH installed the car seat.
LO2: the day of my scheduled c section.
I don't understand how people have their bags packed so early, I need most of the stuff that I'm going to pack!
nectarine / 2148 posts
When I was induced at 38w. While they were admitting me DH ran home and packed a bag. Our carseat got installed after we had the baby. I was real on top of things
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Purpledaisy: my husband installed the car seat after we had the baby while we were in the hospital. both times
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Dahlia: I'm worried about this LOL. I already have tons of contractions and it feels like baby is going to fall out and make his debut at any moment!
clementine / 935 posts
@winniebee: Pack that bag! We hadn't even ordered a car seat yet. Thank goodness for Amazon Prime!
persimmon / 1345 posts
When I was in labor for baby number two. I wrote a list but never got around to it bc he came two weeks early
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