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when did you turn your toddler around?

  1. mamabolt

    nectarine / 2797 posts

    She's 22 months and still RF. She's 27ish lbs right now. No plans to turn her yet, we hope to keep her RF until she outgrows the height limit of the seat.

  2. Urchin

    coffee bean / 47 posts

    DD is 30 months and we are talking about switching her carseat soon. She already sits FF in DH's truck (which she maybe goes in once or twice every few weeks).

    I'm pregnant, and my car is getting so dirty with her RF. I figure in the next couple of months, we will switch her around.

  3. Jenn23

    persimmon / 1085 posts

    We switched J a few weeks ago when he was just over 18 months. At 34 1/2 inches tall, his legs were just so cramped and he was fussing non-stop. I felt bad about switching, since I know rear-facing is safer, but he was just miserable in his seat. He is much happier now facing forward now that his legs aren't super contorted! If he was shorter for his age, we definitely would have waited, though!

  4. Kemma

    grapefruit / 4291 posts

    Still rf'ing at eighteen months but about to hit the turning marker on the seat so I'm contemplating getting another seat (Safety First Guide 65) so A can rear face for longer (and we're about to start TTC again so will hopefully need a second seat anyway!)

  5. Mrs. Yoyo

    blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts

    Still RF at 34 months. I hope to keep him that way until he outgrows his Diono RF. Would love to make it until 4, but I'm happy turning him if any issues crop up past 3.

  6. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    I was wondering this exact same question. At almost 25 mo old, about 33 lbs and over 36 inches, they are still rf, but I was trying to find out when to switch. My car seat is until 40 lbs, but not sure about height.

  7. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    Until she meets the height/weight restrictions on the Diono, my LO will be RF'ing. 5x safer is 5x safer! She is currently about 34-35" and 28 lbs, so she still has a long way to go. My LO fights getting in the carseat like it's the worst torture known to mankind, but I am okay with resorting to bribes. She will usually relent if offered a yogurt melt. I never really thought about the air flow issue... that's a good point! I am going to make a mental note to turn the air up extra for her. Luckily my AC does a good job.

  8. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    We are still rf with N. He is 18 months but he is only 23.5 pounds and 31.5 inches tall. I plan to keep him rf until I absolutely can't anymore. I think it will be a while still. He is a bit on the smaller side.

  9. lavender

    grapefruit / 4554 posts

    We switched to FF at 18 months

  10. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    We regretfully switched to forward facing at 21 months. We couldn't fit out newborn's car seat in and keep DD1 rear facing without causing an unsafe driving environment for my very tall DH. Our car seats require a minimum space between the end of the car seat and the start of the front seat and we couldn't meet that RF'ing without DH's knees being crammed in around the steering wheel, so we flipped DD1. The law here only says RF until 6 months so car seats aren't exactly accommodating with extended RF'ing.

    We're going to try her RF'ing again at 24 months when we get settled into the UK and buy a car over there. We'll see how we go...


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