Hellobee Boards


When did your child start preschool?

  1. BananaPancakes

    grapefruit / 4817 posts

    He starts in two weeks at 28 months. We have several preschools in the area that begin at 18-24 months. Most of the ones in the area don't require potty training until K4.

  2. erinpye

    pomegranate / 3706 posts

    We won't start our girls until pre-k at 4ish. So, that's a while, since my eldest is 2 years 4 months, and youngest is 6 months!

  3. yin

    honeydew / 7917 posts

    DS1 will be starting preschool next month, and he is almost 3.5 years old.

  4. Baby Boy Mom

    pomegranate / 3983 posts

    He started at two. He was mostly potty trained at that point, just needed reminders. Most of his classmates were not, but by the end of the year (they had all turned 3) all of them were! I think seeing their peers helped!


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