I feel like I'm a ridiculously anxious mom and I'm never sure if I should be worried or not LO is 16 weeks and can lift her head just fine but not pushing up on her hands or rolling at all yet.. When did your LO start rolling?
I feel like I'm a ridiculously anxious mom and I'm never sure if I should be worried or not LO is 16 weeks and can lift her head just fine but not pushing up on her hands or rolling at all yet.. When did your LO start rolling?
39 votes
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Xander didn't start rolling consistently until 7 months! He had done it a few times previously, but didn't really get the hang of it until much later!
pomelo / 5073 posts
She rolled from her tummy to back pretty early and then stalled. We got back to tummy last week and now she is flip flopped whenever I lay her down. She is 4 months.
honeydew / 7504 posts
I don't have the exact week, but based on the monthly emails I send him, he started rolling consistently between 5 and 6 months. And it was his primary method of getting around until the week before he turned 1, when he started crawling.
pear / 1812 posts
Consistently around 7.5 months. She didn't start rolling well until after she started sitting at 5.5 months.
blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts
@Adira: Same here!
@bunnymommy: Rolling, sitting, and crawling all happened for us within about 2 weeks, starting just before 7 months. He could roll before that, but didn't do it consistently until then. He was fully walking by 10 months. Don't worry momma! LO will be fine!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Mrs. Lion: Your LO is a show-off after 7 months then! Xander didn't crawl until around 9 months and now at 11.5, he's pulling to stand and cruising, but no walking yet!
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts
She didn't roll from back to tummy until after 4 months, and didn't roll from tummy to back until like 6 months? So don't worry just yet!!
pomegranate / 3393 posts
Not until 6 months and change!
ETA: I was wrong- he started right after turning 7 months old!
pomelo / 5469 posts
LO is 5mths and isn't rolling at all! I'm not super worried about it yet though and in some ways I see it as a bonus because it means she won't wake herself up doing it at night!
GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts
Belly to back at 2 months. Back to belly not until 5 months.
papaya / 10570 posts
E is 7 months and she still isn't rolling! She rolled tummy to back a few times when she was 11 weeks old and then she just stopped and we haven't had a roll since!
honeydew / 7586 posts
He started rolling around 5 months but wasn't consistent about it until after 6 months.
apricot / 347 posts
@Adira: @singingbee: @littlebug: @NurseMommy: @Mrs. Lion: @Bookish: @MoonMoon: @illumina: @lawbee11: @Cherrybee: @rahlyrah: thanks so much for the responses glad to know it's not anything to worry about yet and it's just me in anxious mama overdrive
I hate getting these babycentre mails saying, your x week old should be xy-ing by now and I'm all AHHH but she isnt!
persimmon / 1355 posts
LO is 20 weeks and not rolling at all. I actually think she may sit before she rolls!
eggplant / 11287 posts
DD1 started rolling belly to back at 13 weeks. Back to belly at 16 weeks.
DD2 is 12 weeks and nowhere near rolling.
pomelo / 5678 posts
DD could roll both ways at 8 weeks but I thought she was supposed to so we practiced a lot.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
She first rolled front to back just after 2 months, but it was sporadic. At 5 months she learned back to front and that has been consistent. But front to back still seems to be accidental.
pear / 1693 posts
She started rolling belly to back around 3 months, and back to belly in between 5-6 months. Within two weeks of rolling back to belly she is ALL OVER THE PLACE. It's a lot more work, so enjoy the no rolling while you can!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
He rolled back to belly first at four months, the other way at five. But not consistenly til five/six months
nectarine / 2878 posts
DS didn't roll for a long time but that didn't stop him from hitting other milestones on time. Try not to worry, easier said than done
pomegranate / 3383 posts
Umm...never? At almost 2 i don't think I've seen him do a full log roll (at least not purposefully). I just don't think he was ever into rolling. I never really worried about it although I did seek an OT consult at 7 months because he hated being on his tummy and rather than roll onto his back he would just flail and cry.
pineapple / 12526 posts
She didn't roll at all until 6 months. She was sitting unassisted before she rolled!
nectarine / 2217 posts
haha... my LO was similar to @Sammyfab .... he never 'consistently' rolled.... he could technically do it around 8-9 months maybe? just not a roller...
he is almost 2 years old now, and running, jumping (sort of haha), and climbing up a storm!
grapefruit / 4903 posts
DD could roll from her stomach to her back at 7 weeks, but it was because she was so angry about tummy time that she would wail and flail and flop over. She was 20 weeks before she could intentionally roll both ways.
pomegranate / 3113 posts
DD is 11 weeks and hasn't rolled yet. I think she *could* go from tummy to back if she wanted to, but she likes tummy time and when she gets tired, she just puts her head down on her mat and sucks on her hand. She is also pulling her knees up to her chest and swinging her body over to the side when she's on her back, but hasn't managed to get all the way up onto her side or flip to her belly yet.
nectarine / 2220 posts
She's had the ability to roll over since about that age, but even now at 6.5 months she just doesn't care to do it that often. She flips onto her tummy and gets turtled half the time, even though she's fixed it herself in the past.
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