My dd who is now 2months old, but was born at 37.5 weeks, has pretty much slept all day and night.

She usually wakes every 2-3 hours during the day and anywhere from about 3-6 hours overnight to eat. We don't wake her at night because she has already gained very well.

When she wakes to eat she usually falls asleep at the breast or half way through the bottle. Sometimes she wakes up again when we burp her and is awake for maybe 15mins on average. i can only count a handful of times where she was up for maybe 45 mins until I put her back down for a nap so it's very rare. This girl falls asleep during tummy time!

Please don't hate me for having a sleepy child. I'm starting to get concerned that she's still sleeping so much still at 2mo.

When did your sleepy newborn become more alert?