My baby is now 2 months old. I swaddle her at night to sleep, and I occasionally swaddle her for naps as well. She has never been a big fan of the swaddle, but I'm pretty sure she sleeps longer at night in the swaddle b/c she can't whack herself with her flailing arms.

Well... lately she has started really hating the swaddle. She squirms and kicks and fusses in it, and she seems to really want out of it. She wakes up really angry when she's stuck in her swaddle, and sometimes it takes quite a while to calm her back down. She has also recently discovered her hands, and I think she's beginning to figure out how to self soothe by sucking on them. I'm wondering if this means I should start the process of weaning her off of the swaddle, or is this way too early for that?

For those of you with older babies, when did you stop swaddling? Is it crazy to think that a 2-month old might be ready to be done with the swaddle?