Up until now (36W), I've been planning to work up until labor. I've read mixed stories on here on what you guys had planned to do. While I really want to have the full 12W with LO once she comes, work has been increasingly stressful (like 60ish hour work weeks) and I feel like I have no time to plan for her arrival or relax. I'm considering taking off just a few days before EDD, but then am worried - what if I go 2 weeks overdue? Then will I have wasted 2 weeks? The midwife told me yesterday to take a week off before EDD because our bodies have to know to make the transition from "work mode" to "baby mode". I had never heard this before, and wonder if she was just trying to convince me so that I get some relief?
What has the experience been for you ladies? Did you work up until labor, did you leave a few days/weeks before? Were you happy with your decision?