I tend to err on not taking in for fever, but wondering what others would do.

5yo (today is his bday!) started being off yesterday, fever by bedtime and 102 or so today. Just heard another in his preschool class has flu A and several others at his (relatively small) school also have it.

As an extra consideration, he has viral triggered asthma. It’s not too bad at the moment but he’s coughing. Other symptoms are minimal for now, main is fever/fatigue. Clearly doesn’t feel well.

Would you get him tested today? Wait a certain period? They might give him antivirals if he’s positive due to respiratory issues (not sure). That said last year my oldest was a false negative on the first test for flu A last year (positive 3 days later when she wasn’t getting better). And he seemed equally sick when he had what I think was Fifths on Christmas (bad year for illness timing!).