DH went back to work this week, and it's been...an interesting adjustment, to say the least.

All along, I knew my husband had been an enormous source of support, love, and assistance, but I didn't realize how shocking it would feel to do it *all* on my own. I mean, even having the ability to pee at my own leisure, or lean on an extra set of hands to hold a squirming baby while I finished scarfing down a sandwich - what luxuries of the past, man!

DD is a fairly good baby, but has started fussing more, sleeping less, and developed her first (mild) diaper rash yesterday. I feel like my head is spinning 11/12 hours we are here at the house, without DH. I have fallen behind on my pumping schedule (and with my major supply issues, this really sucks), barely have time to eat a square meal, and desperately need a hairstylist to figure out this mop I've been sporting. Forget cleaning my house, taking anything longer than a 5 second shower before catapulting my naked body towards a screaming baby, or merely opening the new book I borrowed from the library. Psh.

I seriously love my daughter, and know it will eventually get easier, but every day has felt like Groundhog Day!

Any tricks of the trade? Advice on how to multitask? How do you keep your sanity when you're at home, alone, with an infant?