I had a really close friend whose mom set him up with an awesome basement, with a nice TV, tons of free sodas, and a pool table. Oh and they had pay cable channels! (I didn't have any cable at all, so it was like heaven.) I would go there and we would hang out, play cards with friends, shoot pool, etc. Haha now that I think about it, I'd love to have a place like that now!

I played sports so after games, sometimes I'd go out with my teammates to wherever they were going. But I pretty quickly realized that I'm a homebody and enjoy hanging out with my friends more - so did mostly that.

As a parent now, I realize that she just wanted to keep her son safe, so she made her house a magnet for his friends. It totally worked, and now I'm wondering if some day I should do the same!

Where did you hang out on weekends in high school?