Hellobee Boards


Where do you get your lo's winter coat from?

  1. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    It does not get super cold here (like when the lows are below 40 everyone freaks out) so we have been able to get good coats from our favorite consignment store the last few years. This year I got DD a puffy coat for $4 because the zipper was broken and I fixed it with pliers. DS got a Carter's slim puffy coat for $8. They also have some fleece hoodies that do well for lots of the time.

  2. Mrs Spoon

    kiwi / 603 posts

    We always get Gap and I wait until they are 40% off.

  3. Trailmix

    nectarine / 2152 posts

    Patagonia! Last year and the year before, we did the Trimble jacket, this year I got the down sweater jackets. I buy ahead on sale and then recoup about 50% on resale, so I usually pay out of pocket about $30 for each coat!

  4. Shantuck

    pear / 1767 posts

    I buy the Patagonia down sweater or north face moondoggy (both are car seat safe) on sale 2 sizes up at the end of season sales and am able to get 2 winters out of them because of the elastic on the sleeves. For example, DS wore a size 4 last year when he was 3 and will wear the same coat again this winter while 4. It was a bit big last winter but the elastic bands on the arms made it fit ok. I know there are probably plenty of cheaper car seat safe coats out there but I don't trust myself to know which are safe. I try to buy neutral colors so that my future daughter (I'm 39 weeks pregnant now) can use the same coats when she gets old enough.


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