My basset sleeps in our bed by my toes. Sometimes he curls himself around DH's knees. He's a snuggler!

The other dog sleeps under the bed or next to DH's face.

I don't see any reason to kick the basset out of bed since he's pretty chill, but the other dog may be moved to her crate since she gets very growly and snappy when I get up at night and she barks at me when I come back into the room. I don't want her to wake LO and I'd like to prevent some of the growling and snapping. The basset rarely bats an eyelid when I come and go (except when I was sick, then he was glued to my side).

Where do your dogs sleep? Will this change when LO arrives (or did it?) What factored into your decision? We've also talked about putting a gate at the end of the hallway and denying both dogs access to any of the bedrooms, I just don't know what route to go.