My LO likes napping in our bed, the couch or car. She refuses to nap in her crib.
My LO likes napping in our bed, the couch or car. She refuses to nap in her crib.
persimmon / 1035 posts
he always naps in the car, the Bjorn carrier, or the swing....i feel like i have to weaning him off the swing soon because he is going to outgrow it!
kiwi / 575 posts
We try to make sure he naps in the crib, but only this morning were bemoaning the fact that he doesn't seem to nap on us any more. And he's only 4 months!
hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts
Dd sleeps in her bed
DS naps in his pnp, our bed, in our arms
GOLD / papaya / 10166 posts
She will only sleep in her crib or the carseat. She won't fall asleep if we hold her
GOLD / papaya / 10206 posts
She is an awesome crib sleeper and hates to nap anywhere but there or in the car. It's awesome that she sleeps so well, but sucks when we're traveling and she doesn't have HER crib.
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
His crib, or if we're out and about his carseat. Until he was 5 months he almost never napped anywhere but my arms, though, and I could never move him without waking him up.
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6703 posts
LO naps in her swing most of the time, but has taken some good naps in her crib lately.
persimmon / 1171 posts
Our bed, but someone has to be next to her, or in anyone's arms (:
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